Quote:Hi Dave,
You seem to be determined to get the best deal. We are a reseller for UK2 Numbers, and if you wish you can contact them directly and say UK0870.co.uk recommended you. They will give you a free 0870/0871 and the full rebate they pay other clients as well.
Just say your name is Dave from Saynoto0870.
I've looked at UK2Numbers and they seem quite good. A free 0870 number would be preferred, and their 2p payout in the daytime is one of the best for low users. Are they happy to have low users and how low do they allow?
The advantage of UK2Numbers is that although their minimum payout is £50, it is carried over each month. After a 12 month period if you haven't reached it, they will payout what ever the total is.
Quote:I have got a free 0870 number from
I've looked at Flextel. They only payout when you reach £250! Their revenue thresholds don't work on a month by month basis, but on the amount of minutes that you've made (ie those that haven't paid out). To get to 3p/min for a single line you have to be on the phone constantly for just over 19 years!
To reach your first £250 (without referral commission) you have to rack up 42,500 minutes or 708 hours or 29.5 days! This is the main drawback to Flextel. Will you ever see your 'earnings'?
I think this is where the referral payments come in. It's like a pyramid scheme where the more you recommend or sell the more referral commission you receive. If you refer a high user you will be earning the same rate that they get upto their 500,000 minute.