Quote:I suspect the Labour party is not covered by FOI. My next target is BAA - whilst it is a private company, it has a responsibility to the public. Its regulators, the CAA and AUC, have absolved themselves of any responsibility for dealing with complaints. I'm not yet sure exactly where or how to address a FOI request, but watch this space!
So far as New Labour are concerned I should have thought that it was covered by the FOI so long as you became a member of the Labour party first? Then as a Member you would have the same need to access a geographic number as for a body providing services to all of the general public. Or are political parties specifically excluded from the FOI requirements?
BAA are a very worthy target of your attentions. They are one of the biggest exploiters of these numbers and yet effectively are a monopoly supplier of many aspects of vital public service type airport information (putting out an announcement for a lost relative etc). In fact their head office in Wilton Rd does of course have a geographic number but they seem unwilling to put one through to the car park charges line, the tannoy announcement line etc, etc.
But since you are so committed to the FOI road the people that you must ask the question to next are the BBC regarding both BBC Information and BBC Reception Advice (aka Capita Moneygrubbers Inc of BELFAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSST.)
Since the BBC is basically a public sector body owned by the license payers (aka the taxpayers) they must surely be totally covered by the FOI. Also the two main 0870 numbers, published in every uk phone directory in a big half page spread must surely receive thousands of calls per week. And it is a number with which both Dave and DaveM seem to have had no joy at all , either because the staff regime is reminiscent of a concentration camp or because the average member of their call centre staff has such a low IQ that they are unable to comprehend the difference between a geographic and an NGN number and thus unable to feel any outrages about the matter. My own experiences of their staff would lead me to believe that Capita in fact only employing unquestioning human robots. Anyone else is sacked in less than about 1 hour.
BBC Information really makes me mad as when you ring them with a burning issue on some program or other the staff will listen to you and then just say WELLLLLLLL THAAAAAANKKYAAAAAAAAAAAA VERYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY MACHHHHHHHHH FOR THATTT and not even then ask for your name and postcode or your address. Only if pressed that you actually want a response to your complaint do they take your name and address but I have never received any response yet from a member of BT editorial or management staff in response to a complaint.
Its a pure call taking factory that has no interest in soothing irate viewers and just treats them like cannon fodder simply counting one against each call as a certain complaint type. The complaints are almost never investigated or resolved.
These guys are so unhlepful that the very least we deserve is surely to suffer with them for only 1p rather than say for 100p!