I want to share the following exchange of e-mails I had with Traveline Scotland and ask for any comments:
I wrote:Your website uses an 0870 number for contact purposes.
No doubt the income you generate from this number offsets the cost of providing the service. However, let me draw your attention to a recent ruling of the Committee on Advertising Practice:
http://www.cap.org.uk/cap/advice_online/ad_alerts/Advertising+0845+and+087+numbe...http://www.asa.org.uk/cap/news_events/news/2005/hanging+on+the+telephone+on+and+... As you advertise on bus backs, I assume many of the calls to your number are from mobiles which are charged at a rate of up to 40p/min.
Will you now change your advertising and website to comply with CAP's advice?
They replied: Dear Mr Farci,
I refer to your e mail above and apologise for the delay in replying. A number of changes are proposed for the use of 0870 numbers and I was waiting for clarification on the UK Traveline position before replying. However, that clarification will not be available until end January and the changes proposed by Offcom will not have effect until January 2008 so best that I comment on the situation now.
Website: Our website travelinescotland.com only gives the number and does not make reference to national rates however the Traveline UK website at Traveline.org.uk does make reference to calls being charged at national rates and I have copied this to Mr. Tony Ferguson, the Traveline Director responsible for that site so he can consider what action is needed.
Cost of 0870 numbers- It is true that a small revenue is generated from 0870 numbers although I need to point out this comes nowhere near the cost of providing the service, in Scotland the rebates from 0870 amount to roughly £40,000 per annum whilst the cost of providing the service is over £500,000 per annum. The balance is funded by Public Transport Operators.
Marketing material: Yes, we will take this advice on board. All of our marketing material was available before this advice was known and I have asked our quality manager to dispose of the small amount we hold in stock. Whatever material exists out in the public domain will be replaced during the first quarter of 2008 in line with the advice.
Bus Backs: Our contract for advertising on bus backs has long since expired and although it is unlikely, any new bus back advertising would follow the advise, meantime we will try and establish if any of the four vehicles which carried this advert still show it and ask that it be removed.
Mobiles etc: It may or may not be the case that different telecom provider charge different rates and we have no control over that, no matter which provider is used the rebate coming to us is based on the BT charge to the customer of app.8ppm peak and reducing at evenings and weekends
Finally can I say that we agree that as far as possible these costs should be transparent and any mention of national rate was made in good faith. It would hardly be sensible to cover a cost of over £500,000 per annum to provide a service for public benefit whilst at the same time not being transparent with regard to £40,000 which derives from 0870 here in Scotland.
I hope this helps clarify our position and thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.
Kind Regards
John Elliot
Chief Executive
Traveline Scotland
07771 647034
~ Edit by Dave: Links corrected