Main Forum >> Geographical Numbers Chat >> Earn cash when you are online (No adverts)

Message started by Forum Admin on Nov 25th, 2003 at 11:05pm

Title: Earn cash when you are online (No adverts)
Post by Forum Admin on Nov 25th, 2003 at 11:05pm
**** Signing up to the following program, earns this site $1 commission (once activated) to help keep it free ****

Right now your PC is bored.   It could be earning you cash instead!

The Gomez PEER is a secure application that runs in the background of your system, and uses your PC's spare capacity to measure the performance of Web sites. Your PC will join other computers across the Internet to help Gomez provide the most realistic picture of Web performance.  And at the same time, you can earn cash for every minute that your PC is on and connected to the Internet!  The more you run the Gomez PEER, the more cash you can receive every month.  

Register for the Gomez PEER today, and put your PC to work.  

When you sign up, be sure to enter "djblamire" in the "Referred by" field...then be sure to tell your friends about it!

Please visit Gomez's program details page for more information and instructions on how to participate in our new incentive program.

**** Signing up to the following program, earns this site $1 commission (once activated) to help keep it free ****

Title: Re: Earn cash when you are online (No adverts)
Post by dorf on Oct 29th, 2004 at 7:20pm
The problem is that they do not state what rate you receive for being on line, nor is it clear how they will make any payment to you in £, and they state that they want dial-up rather than ADSL, which seems strange since their processing bandwidth would be much less.  Also a requirement to take up 21 MB of your hard drive capacity is a bit offputting?

Anyone got specific experience of using this outfit, and actually getting any cash? I signed up to another American gambit some years ago, which promised cash - but in the end I did not actually receive a bean even though I provided what they required!

Title: Re: Earn cash when you are online (No adverts)
Post by Forum Admin on Nov 1st, 2004 at 8:03am
Hi Dorf,

I have been using it myself for quite a few years now, and although you don't get paid a huge amount, it is something.

Payments are made to you in US Dollars by Paypal, and paid monthly for balances over $5.00.

Hope this helps,


Title: Re: Earn cash when you are online (No adverts)
Post by dorf on Nov 1st, 2004 at 9:15am
Thanks Daniel. Sounds promising. It may be worth getting that old 486 out of the closet and connecting it permanently for this use on ADSL?

Title: Re: Earn cash when you are online (No adverts)
Post by nkitson on Nov 9th, 2004 at 12:44pm
Dorf, It might be but wouldn't your electricity costs come close to the money you would get from Gomez, even with the monitor off??

Title: Re: Earn cash when you are online (No adverts)
Post by dorf on Nov 10th, 2004 at 10:30pm
Hi Nkitson,

Yep you could be right. That is why I was asking what the rate of reward was supposed to be, but so far I have not been able to find out. They do not define it on their web site.

Title: Re: Earn cash when you are online (No adverts)
Post by Forum Admin on Nov 10th, 2004 at 10:32pm
It all depends on how much 'work' is available.

It wouldn't be worth having a separate PC running this, but OK to run on your usual PC.


Title: Re: Earn cash when you are online (No adverts)
Post by nkitson on Nov 11th, 2004 at 8:58am
Hi Dorf,

There payments are fairly easy to find at the bottom of

"You will earn $0.05 for every day that your Online Time exceeds two hours."  plus if online for more than 4 hours per day, " a rate of $0.0005 per minute." - US$0.77/day if you are online 24 hours/day.    

Title: Re: Earn cash when you are online (No adverts)
Post by Phonix on Mar 31st, 2005 at 9:09pm
You also might want to check how much money it costs to leave your pc on all day ;)

Payments are made to you in US Dollars by Paypal

Oh great so paypal get a cut too!


Title: Re: Earn cash when you are online (No adverts)
Post by nutellajunkie on Aug 20th, 2005 at 4:23pm
used you as a referer, and Ive yet to receive anything, not as much as an accoutn activation or nowt..

What the hell is my PC doing anyways?!

update, they dont seem to be arsed with their promises of money and suchfourth..

Its also deemed as ad or spyware..

I still wanna know what they were using my system for?

Title: Re: Earn cash when you are online (No adverts)
Post by NonGeographicalMan on Aug 26th, 2005 at 3:04am

wrote on Nov 1st, 2004 at 9:15am:
It may be worth getting that old 486 out of the closet and connecting it permanently for this use on ADSL?

Hmmm.  Isn't the word your were looking for there cupboard Dorf and not Closet.  You will  be saying elevator, fawcet and sidewalk before you know it if you are not careful. ;) ;D

MY ADSL is limited to 10gb per month and I would be very concerned about giving over control to some robot program that deliberately tried to consume band width at will.  I could have unlimited broadband for the same price but would have to cut my speed from 2MBps to 512kbps to achieve this.  Also how do I know that they wouldn't be stealing data and doing key logging on my PC.  It seems too high a price to pay to me.

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