Main Forum >> Geographical Numbers Chat >> Call Waiting. When does the clock start?

Message started by Gary on Jul 29th, 2004 at 6:13pm

Title: Call Waiting. When does the clock start?
Post by Gary on Jul 29th, 2004 at 6:13pm
More and more people and small businesses use call waiting. When I ring a person who has this service does anyone know if I am charged when I get "the person knows you are waiting" message or when (if) they actually answer?

Title: Re: Call Waiting. When does the clock start?
Post by pauldavidtz on Jul 30th, 2004 at 5:53pm
Charges start when the call is connected to the called number.  You are not charged for the "The person you are calling, knows you are waiting" message.

I know this, because I used a BT Street Callbox and got the waiting message, but wasn't charged until the call was answered - much cheaper for the caller, who ends up paying when connected to 1571.

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