Main Forum >> Geographical Numbers Chat >> I'll COMPLAIN about this if you will too...

Message started by gdh82 on Jun 24th, 2005 at 11:11am

Title: I'll COMPLAIN about this if you will too...
Post by gdh82 on Jun 24th, 2005 at 11:11am
Dear All,

Further to my recent thread "ACTION against the 0870/0845 rip-off" I'd like to make another suggestion on how we might generate a mass of complaints.  This involves taking advantage of a great new website which describes itself as follows:

"We all know what it is like to feel powerless, that our own actions can't really change the things that we want to change. PledgeBank is about beating that feeling..."

I'd gladly start a pledge which might go something like...
"I will get three friends to complain to OFCOM about the unfairness of 0870/0845 charges but only if 100 other people will pledge to sign up at least three of their friends too."

To assist people in complaining we could possibly include some kind of link to the SAYNO0870.COM website that could provide a template letter or email.

Its got to be worth a try.  And feedback and thoughts on this would be very much appreciated.


Title: Re: I'll COMPLAIN about this if you will too...
Post by Phoneuser on Jun 27th, 2005 at 10:28am
Apologies if someone has suggested this before but surely a great way to bring this in to the open is viral email?  A well-crafted email covering what the issue is (0870 pricing, cheaper to call the US, companies taking money from customers without asking, etc), some of the perpetrators (Argos, Virgin (which uses 1-800 in the US), Sky, Friends Provident, etc), links to an 0870 provider, the Ofcom press release and saynoto 0870, etc, why the media hasn't taken up the cudgel, could be published on saynoto0870.  This could be cut and pasted into an email and forwarded to people's address books with a request for them to forward to their contacts.  I think it could work very well and highlight this issue to a mainly unaware audience.  I don't mind doing a first draft for review if anyone thinks it's a good idea.

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