Main Forum >> Geographical Numbers Chat >> Tiscali don't wish to talk about it ! Message started by lavillegour on Oct 28th, 2005 at 10:49pm |
Title: Tiscali don't wish to talk about it ! Post by lavillegour on Oct 28th, 2005 at 10:49pm
Having emailed this to Tiscali and receiving an automated (numbered) acknowledgement that a response should be forthcoming with 48 hours I was disappointed to have this and the follow up query ignored completely - so far !(I'm still here Tiscali)
Thanks for responding so well to your customers' queries 'Tisc' ! "It could be considered somewhat unfortunate for a company such as Tiscali involved in the business of offering telephone services that Mr Paul Durant (Head of Billing Operations) appears to be unaware that describing the Tiscali 'dedicated helpline' of 0870 428 4188 as being charged at 'NATIONAL RATE' is incorrect and against (at the very least) the policy of the Advertising Standards Authority in the United Kingdom. An increasing number of U.K. citizens are becoming aware that a telephone number prefixed by 0870 is actually a PREMIUM RATE NUMBER charge between 3 pence per minute and 10 pence per minute and of course OFCOM are currently considering what action to take to correct this situation. Perhaps Mr Durant should research and examine the overwhelming evidence to support this assertion and alter his recently issued leaflet 'Reminder - Important Change to your Tiscali Bill' where it appears he is attempting to mislead recipients. I would personally be interested if he would care to advise me what exactly he considers to be the 'National Rate' as B.T. certainly don't have one ! It really is a dishonest and underhand method of increasing profits at the expense of the customer base who find the need to pay excessive rates merely to contact a 'helpline'. Even British Telecom who abolished charges known as 'National Rate' more than a year ago now refer to the cost as PREMIUM RATE - check out their website and then play fair with your customers please" |
Title: Re: Tiscali don't wish to talk about it ! Post by NonGeographicalMan on Oct 31st, 2005 at 8:15pm
You could try emailing some of this little lot although you might possibly feel as though its like trying to deal with the Italian Mafia ::) Mary Turner is generally speaking their chief uk partner in mediocrity although I seem to remember she has an odd email address. Ah yes here it is I knew I had it somewhere from a couple of years ago when I had the misfortune to be placed on their CPS service without my permission and had to make my displeasure known at the top:- |
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