Main Forum >> Geographical Numbers Chat >> 0870 numbers and broadband

Message started by mat106 on May 11th, 2006 at 5:28pm

Title: 0870 numbers and broadband
Post by mat106 on May 11th, 2006 at 5:28pm
Hi all,

My question may be a bit off subject but i was wondering whether it is possible to get broadband using a 0870 number. I don't have the exact number - all i know is that it will be 0870.


Title: Re: 0870 numbers and broadband
Post by Dave on May 11th, 2006 at 5:30pm
Are you referring to a telephone service that uses a broadband connection (known as voice-over IP or VoIP)?

Title: Re: 0870 numbers and broadband
Post by a very nice man on May 11th, 2006 at 5:33pm
I'm sure you'll find many suppliers who will want you to ring their 0870 number to enquire about their service.
So yes " is possible to get broadband using a 0870 number......"

Would you care to elaborate on your actual thought or intention.

Title: Re: 0870 numbers and broadband
Post by mat106 on May 11th, 2006 at 5:38pm
No i'm not referring to VoIP. The management of the building concerned has so far been using Direct-Inward-Dial to provide telephone services and with Direct-Inward-Dial in place broadband is not possible. They are now switching to another company,, which will be providing an 0870 number for each resident. That's all the info i have at the moment and was wondering whether i'll be able to get broadband.

a very nice man: Despite it being possible to call a number provided by Direct-Inward-Dial it is not possible to use the number for broadband. That's why i need the clarification with regards to 0870 numbers.


Title: Re: 0870 numbers and broadband
Post by Dave on May 11th, 2006 at 5:47pm
Am I right in saying that you will have an 0870 incoming number?

You will have to ask if you can get broadband. Whther you can get broadband isn't determined by what your incoming number is. I would have thought that internet access would be provided.

I have heard of Dog 'n' Bone Zone as they provide systems in university accommodation.

Is it university accommodation you are in?

Title: Re: 0870 numbers and broadband
Post by mat106 on May 11th, 2006 at 5:53pm
From what little information i have i would say that yes, you are right in assuming, as I, that the incoming number will be 0870. The difference with the provision of dog n bone's services for this particular building is that it is not linked to any university. It's accomodation for keyworkers and as such there is no network infrastructure/backbone to which to connect as there would be in the case of universities

Title: Re: 0870 numbers and broadband
Post by a very nice man on May 11th, 2006 at 5:59pm
A possible theory to their operation.
Your mum rings you on 0870 *** ???? where ???? is your extension number.
This might go to a normal PBX switchboard in the uni, which will dial your room.
If that is the case, you MIGHT get dial up by dialling 9 first.

But with regard to broadband, unless the provider had signed up to a service, I don't think it would be possible. They know what students are like for trying to get something for free, they're worse than me, and if they offered broadband access, you'd all go out and buy a USB phone, and bypass the company service.

They do offer you a pay as you go service, using one of their scratch and sniff cards, but having looked at their rates for calls out, I would say forget it. One particular price was 18 times more expensive than using a dial thru.

I would say go to your local internet cafe.

I assumed you are in halls. But if you were in private, what's to stop you getting cable? 24 hr TV, student dream. ;D

Title: Re: 0870 numbers and broadband
Post by Dave on May 11th, 2006 at 6:04pm
I think that you will be best asking whether internet access is being provided.

On the subject of the incoming 0870 numbers, they probably will have geographical numbers underlying them and it may be possible to work them out. I know we have successfully deduced what the prefixes are for some of these sorts of systems.

If you want to try and find out the geographical numbers, post in the Requests section.

Title: Re: 0870 numbers and broadband
Post by mat106 on May 11th, 2006 at 6:10pm
Thanks for you replies.

It's the PBX switchboard scenario that i have in mind, and fear, as their most likely way of operating. If that is the case then they have done absolutely nothing in terms of improving the service. I guess i'll have to wait and see.

Title: Re: 0870 numbers and broadband
Post by a very nice man on May 11th, 2006 at 6:34pm
They have prewarned you at the bottom of their price list that they will make life difficult if you try to use dial thru.........
The minimum call charge is 4p and all calls are rated per second.  Calls made to non-geographic numbers may be barred or charged at a premium rate.
Tariffs may be amended at any time.

But have a look at this lot..  It reads Day        Eve        Weekend
UK Local calls                                £0.04     £0.04        £0.03
UK National Calls                           £0.05     £0.04        £0.03
UK Free Call                                  £0.05     £0.05        £0.05
UK Mobile fm1 [o2]                        £0.30     £0.25        £0.25
UK Mobile fm2 [Other]                   £0.30      £0.25       £0.25
UK Mobile fm3 [T-Mobile]               £0.30      £0.25       £0.25
UK Mobile fm4 [Orange]               £0.30       £0.25       £0.25
UK Mobile fm5 [Vodafone]            £0.30       £0.25       £0.25
UK Non-Geo Local (ONLY 0845)     £0.10      £0.10        £0.10
UK Non-Geo National (ONLY 0870) £0.13      £0.10       £0.10

They even distinguish between local & national!

Their dialup internet is charged at 2p per min irrespective.

A further look at their site shows it is owned by Catalyst Management Limited
Going to the telephony page  you get

Employing VoIP technology can be the best option for accommodation buildings without conventional analogue wiring or switches in place. (This answers the broadband question with a big NO)
VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol and as the name suggests it utilises the internet to send a telephone call instead of traditional analogue methods. We have successfully deployed this relatively new technology at accommodations throughout the UK.  To providers and ultimately users it has the following benefits:

For the provider benefits include:

Integration with existing IT infrastructure greatly simplifies user support and reduces points-of-failure

Lower support costs by removing the need to support legacy Telephone systems (Lower costs, but expensive costs to the callers and customers)

For the user benefits include:

The best tariffs in the marketplace   (Now this statement is an absolute lie!)
Individual inbound phone numbers for incoming calls
Free calls between bedrooms  

Title: Re: 0870 numbers and broadband
Post by mat106 on May 11th, 2006 at 7:08pm
So... if i've understood correctly the 0808 (free call) number of the company i am currently using for dial-up internet is now going to be charged at 5p a minute even though it is free call !?!?!

Title: Re: 0870 numbers and broadband
Post by Heinz on May 11th, 2006 at 7:24pm
Now there's a business model to follow!

Title: Re: 0870 numbers and broadband
Post by Dave on May 11th, 2006 at 7:30pm

mat106 wrote on May 11th, 2006 at 7:08pm:
So... if i've understood correctly the 0808 (free call) number of the company i am currently using for dial-up internet is now going to be charged at 5p a minute even though it is free call !?!?!

Yes, it will cost more to call a freephone number than it will a geographical number local to you. That is, despite the fact that it won't cost your telco anything to connect to the number.

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