Main Forum >> Call Providers >> Cheapest Landline to Mobile Calls with 18185

Message started by peterlittleton on Sep 9th, 2006 at 11:41am

Title: Cheapest Landline to Mobile Calls with 18185
Post by peterlittleton on Sep 9th, 2006 at 11:41am
For some time now I have been trying to find the cheapest way of phoning a mobile phone from my home landline phone and I am sure that I have now found the answer.

On the website, I registered as a customer and I can now phone ANY mobile phone for 2p a minute at weekends and 5p a minute on weekdays (At any time). All I need to do is dial 18185 before making the call. (There is also a connection charge of 4p per call). I believe these are the best Landline to Mobile rates available at present and would be interested to hear if anyone knows of anything better.

Title: Re: Cheapest Landline to Mobile Calls with 18185
Post by bbb_uk on Sep 9th, 2006 at 4:03pm

4PetesSake wrote on Sep 9th, 2006 at 11:41am:
I believe these are the best Landline to Mobile rates available at present and would be interested to hear if anyone knows of anything better.
According to the MSE Call Checker there are two dial-through providers that charge 4p/min (from a BT landline) but you have to make the call via their 08444x number.  The problem with going via the 08444x route is that you will get charged for all failed connections, including if phone is off/no signal, etc.  The reason is that your landline provider (BT I assume) who you pay your calls to will charge you their going rate for calling the 0844x regardless of any problems you may have.  You also need to dial the full 0844x number then the mobile number (normally in international format) as well and you will then either have to pay the connection fee or minimum call charge as well.

Call18185 on the otherhand, only charge if the call is answered/voicemail (ie what normally happens) and NOT if phone is off/no signal.

If you check the MSE Call checker (link above) for a little more information but remember that any rates quoted may depend on you making the call from a BT landline.  The reason for this is that all rates quoted are based on BT charging you for the call in question.  If you use another provider for your outgoing calls then rates may vary.

Title: Re: Cheapest Landline to Mobile Calls with 18185
Post by peterlittleton on Sep 9th, 2006 at 10:56pm
We have a BT line so it will clearly be best to stick to 18185, otherwise we will get charged, even for calls where nobody answers.

Title: Beware the call set-up fee
Post by Heinz on Sep 10th, 2006 at 3:43pm

4PetesSake wrote on Sep 9th, 2006 at 10:56pm:
We have a BT line so it will clearly be best to stick to 18185, otherwise we will get charged, even for calls where nobody answers.

That's the drawback of dial-though providers - your calls provider starts charging you for the first 'part' of the call (i.e. the 0844 xxx xxxx part) as soon as you have dialled it - even before you've started to add the 'target' number.

For those using BT, that''ll be 3p 'call set-up fee' plus a minimum of one minute from 1/10/06.  So, to a 4p per minute 0844 number such as that suggested above, BT will then charge 7p for such a failed call!

Using 18185, a failed (engaged or no reply) call would cost nothing - because their 4p connection fee is not charged until the connection is made (although, as bbb_uk points out, voicemail counts as a connection).

Title: Re: Beware the call set-up fee
Post by Tanllan on Sep 10th, 2006 at 10:59pm

Heinz wrote on Sep 10th, 2006 at 3:43pm:
For those using BT, that''ll be 3p 'call set-up fee' plus a minimum of one minute from 1/10/06.  So, to a 4p per minute 0844 number such as that suggested above, BT will then charge 7p for such a failed call!
Well done Ofcom. We have all read your self-advertising announcements and see that your incompetence has ensured that calls from mobiles are charged for 080X calls, when more young people use mobiles, and that the market can charge 7p for incomplete calls. g*d it is depressing.

Title: Re: Beware the call set-up fee
Post by Dave on Sep 11th, 2006 at 7:42am

Tanllan wrote on Sep 10th, 2006 at 10:59pm:
Well done Ofcom. We have all read your self-advertising announcements and see that your incompetence has ensured that calls from mobiles are charged for 080X calls, when more young people use mobiles, and that the market can charge 7p for incomplete calls. g*d it is depressing.

I think that the "call set-up fee" is the next bandwagon that the telcos will be jumping on. And then there's whole minute charging. Covertly increasing prices whilst making look as though they're coming down must figure in every £££-thinking UK telco's mission statement.

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