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Message started by idb on Feb 13th, 2007 at 3:22am

Title: Media: Customers urged to 'say no' to 0870
Post by idb on Feb 13th, 2007 at 3:22am'say+no'+to+0870+telephone+numbers/
Customers urged to 'say no' to 0870 telephone numbers

Customers could make huge savings by ringing standard-rate alternatives for expensive 0870 calls, a website has revealed.

Customers wishing to phone banks, airlines, energy companies and government departments are often advised to ring a number starting with 0870 or 0845.

But what many don't know is that they can often call an alternative number with a local code for a fraction of the cost.

They are now being urged to access a website - - which lists more than 5,000 standard-rate numbers next to their 08 equivalents.


A spokesman for the telecoms watchdog Ofcom said that many customers did not realise the full cost of the 08 numbers.

Simon Bates said: "There is still a perception that 0845 and 0870 numbers are relatively cheap but it is not really true.

"The cost of making calls to a local number is actually much cheaper and we recommend that customers do this where possible."

Stephen Tall, a Liberal Democrat councillor for Headington, Oxford, used his own website to recommend after many local residents complained about Royal Mail's poor service on an 0845 number.

"A student in my ward spent £27 calling the 0845 number," he said. "But on the standard line he can call for a fraction of that price."


Title: Re: Media: Customers urged to 'say no' to 0870
Post by farci on Feb 13th, 2007 at 5:46am

A spokesman for the telecoms watchdog Ofcom said that many customers did not realise the full cost of the 08 numbers.

Simon Bates said: "There is still a perception that 0845 and 0870 numbers are relatively cheap but it is not really true.

"The cost of making calls to a local number is actually much cheaper and we recommend that customers do this where possible."

So, who do we contact to confirm that young Master Bates' statement is official Ofcom policy?

Title: Re: Media: Customers urged to 'say no' to 0870
Post by parttimepar on Feb 13th, 2007 at 10:47am
The following headline appears on page 33 of todays Daily Mail

'Why the number could be up for the 0870 rip-offs'

Same story as 'London news' It is good news for this site!

Title: Re: Media: Customers urged to 'say no' to 0870
Post by Keith on Feb 13th, 2007 at 11:15am
I had noticed the number of guests going up by quite a bit over the last few days, but I'm guessing this is due to the petition rather than this (100 on at this moment in time). Still very good news and it all helps.

Title: Re: Media: Customers urged to 'say no' to 0870
Post by Dave on Feb 13th, 2007 at 12:15pm

parttimepar wrote on Feb 13th, 2007 at 10:47am:
The following headline appears on page 33 of todays Daily Mail

'Why the number could be up for the 0870 rip-offs'

Same story as 'London news' It is good news for this site!

The article is here on the Daily Mail's website.

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