Dave wrote on Nov 21
st, 2009 at 4:23pm:
Hi Ajay and welcome to SAYNOTO0870.COM.
Cancelling or downgrading one's Sky subscription is an important point. I'm not a Sky user myself, but I am told that you cannot cancel or downgrade via Sky's website or the red button. It is totally antiquated that a company as big as Sky does not have another way of cancelling services.
Hi Dave
Many thanks for the welcome.
I just thought I would post the emails as a thank you for all the money this site has saved me in the past.
You can upgrade using the red button which works pretty fast or using your on-line account but I've had problems with the latter method. I've had to phone more than once because the on-line order hadn't gone through.
You can't however downgrade which means you have to phone. I would presume this is so they can try and persuade you not to so you get an offer usually a reduction in the subscription for a period of time.
Its the same when you cancel. You will get an offer to stay but I've turned down £1 per month for 3 months before now as it wasn't value for money for me at the time.
The reply could be interesting but probably won't be.