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Pipex (Tiscali) (Read 89,890 times)
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Re: Pipex changing number ??
Reply #15 - Jan 19th, 2008 at 9:15pm
Considering Pipex is now part of Tiscali (and that number range - 0871 222 xxxx - is in use by some Tiscali numbers) I can only assume that the Pipex customer services is transferring to Tiscali instead. It might be worth calling Tiscali next time you need support and see if they will handle your request (lots of Tiscali alternatives in the database - if you can confirm some of the unconfirmed entries, that would be most appreciated).

Please let us know how you get on!
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Re: Pipex changing number ??
Reply #16 - Jan 30th, 2008 at 7:29pm

Tiscali have decided to dispose of the Pipex  UK call centers and staff many of whom have been with Pipex since 1991. Their reason, to save running costs a fine and loyal company Tiscali. Pipex staff are understandably beligerant and can for most part not be bothered with customer issues, can you blame them.

Pipex Main switchboard in Manchester 0161 451 1000  opt 3 ask for one on the following extensions

or  0800 781 7000   just ask whoever answers to connect you
or  0800 912 1642

Residential Telephone Customer care ext 15312
Residential Broadband care ext 25702
Residential Broadband Technical support 15122
Business Broadband Technical support ext 25701 and 11446
Business Telephone  and Business Broadband  ext 15070
Broadband Provisioning ext  25706 or Telephone Provisioning12350
Telephone Service Quality control Ext 12399
Welwyn Garden City Accounts dept  Ext 15072 or Broadband Accounts 25703
Legal Dept. ext 12172

For those existing customers that want a special price, ask for retentions on ext 25709
request a MAC  and hold out for the best deals.  Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

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Re: Pipex changing number ??
Reply #17 - Jan 30th, 2008 at 7:35pm
I_dislike_tiscali wrote on Jan 30th, 2008 at 7:29pm:
Pipex Main switchboard in Manchester 0161 451 1000  opt 3 ask for one on the following extensions

Thanks for that. I suspect that some of those extensions can be dialled directly using the 0161 451xxxx prefix. Eg 0161 4515312 goes through to customer care, so I presume that I got straight through to ext 15312.
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Re: Pipex changing number ??
Reply #18 - Feb 9th, 2008 at 11:16am
There's a difference between Pipex Homecall (Manchester) and Pipex Internet (Welwyn)
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Re: Pipex changing number ??
Reply #19 - Feb 9th, 2008 at 1:43pm
andy9 wrote on Feb 9th, 2008 at 11:16am:
There's a difference between Pipex Homecall (Manchester) and Pipex Internet (Welwyn)

So we presume that those five-digit extensions beginning 2 are for Welwyn, which is 01707. So can they be dialled using 01707 299???  ?
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Re: Pipex changing number ??
Reply #20 - Feb 9th, 2008 at 8:30pm
I don't know, and I don't think it makes any difference to me and the OP - the same message is there.

I spent ages on the phone a couple of weeks ago, going around in circles between different call centres, and one thing that happened was Tiscali put me through to Homecall instead of Pipex Internet - where they all actually were, I'm only guessing from some of the remarks here, and it's bound to be more complicated ...

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Re: Pipex changing number ??
Reply #21 - Feb 10th, 2008 at 9:54pm
standrews47 wrote on Jan 19th, 2008 at 1:29pm:
I normally use 01707 299507 to contact Pipex Customer Support (well there's a contradiction in itself), when I call it now, it states this number will be ceased from Feb 1 and the new number to call is 0871 222 5550, I cannot find a geographical number to match this new number, can anyone advise what it will be ?  thanks Paul

Plesae NOTE one and all !! Contrary to what has been stated above,

If you call 01707 299507, the message states -

If you have dialed
0870 240 3322
, please note that this number will cease to be in operation as from 1st February and will be replaced by 0871 222 5550.

If you call 01707 299506, the message states -

If you have dialed
0870 870 6703
, please note that this number will cease to be in operation as from 1st February and will be replaced by 0871 222 5550.

If you call 01707 299509, the message states -

The number you have dialed has changed. Please redial 0845 077 2455.

If you call 01707 299505, the message states -

If you have dialed
0870 6004454
, please note that this number will cease to be in operation as from 1st February and will be replaced by 0800 781 7000.

My point is that the it is the NGN's that are changing. It DOES NOT state that the number called is changing. Unless we find out otherwise in the near future, the Geo alternatives are still working fine.

I_dislike_tiscali wrote on Jan 30th, 2008 at 7:29pm:
Pipex Main switchboard in Manchester 0161 451 1000  opt 3 ask for one on the following extensions . . . .

Note also, the Manchester office deals with
Pipex Homecall
and it's associated packages. They DO NOT deal with the PIPEX Broadband packages alone.
So contrary to what has been suggested in the posts above, calling the Manchester switchboard and asking for any of the departments mentioned WILL NOT help if you on a Pipex Broadband plan.

As a slight aside, if you call the 0870 Sales number, select New Sales (Opt 1), it passes you back to the
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« Last Edit: Feb 11th, 2008 at 4:14pm by DaveM »  
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Re: Pipex changing number ??
Reply #22 - May 1st, 2008 at 4:03pm
Every one of the Pipex numbers in the database don't work anymore. I just racked up a £15 bill trying to get through to their 0871 cancellation line and still didn't get through.
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Re: Pipex changing number ??
Reply #23 - May 2nd, 2008 at 7:56pm
Can anyone tell me how to get throught to Pipex cancellations. I have emailed a dozen times without response, they should have cancelled my service at my previous address in November but it is still live.  Customer services say they cant put me through and I have to dial the 0870 number. I refuse to phone any 0870 numbers I have never phoned one yet and refuse to give custom to anyone using them.
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Reply #24 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 2:56pm
Has anyone got any details of Pipex/Tiscali numbers? Most of the listed and unlisted numbers now do not work. I have tried many of them and it seems that if you are on Pipex Homecall you can get through to them but they cannot access  accounts with Pipex Max. There used to be a differentiator within the web name (.co.uk and .com) but that seems to have gone, too. Sure sign that Tiscali have taken over and are doing their normal stunts.
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Re: Tiscali/Pipex
Reply #25 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 9:37pm
mikegordon wrote on Jun 5th, 2008 at 2:56pm:
Has anyone got any details of Pipex/Tiscali numbers? Most of the listed and unlisted numbers now do not work. …

Threads we have for Tiscali and Pipex are as follows:

And in the Chat section there is a thread on Tiscali changing to 0871 here.

I've amended the Pipex entries with "(Tiscali)".

Numbers I've removed from the verified listings are as follows:

>> Recording redirects to...
NU Number unobtainable
  • Pipex Customer services
    • 01707 299506, 0845 0772455 & 0870 2403322 >> 0871 2225550
    • 01707 299502 is still answered by a fax machine
    • 0800 4587000 is sales.
  • Pipex Technical support:
    • 01707 299507 >> 0871 2225550
    • 0845 0778324 >> 0871 2226372
    • 0870 4242220 NU
  • Pipex Hosting: 0870 3330365 & 0115 9170000 NU
  • Pipex Hosting: WebFusion & Dedicated Servers support
    • 0870 0126600 still works and answers "Pipex Hosting"
    • 0115 9170000 not recognised
  • Pipex Homecall: Sales & Customer services
    • 01707 299505 >> 0800 4587000
    • 0870 6004454 >> 0800 7817000
    • 0800 7817000 Sales

Some of the unverified numbers which I would like proper confirmation on are:

  • 020 84954422 High Level Complaints
  • 020 70872210 Richard Lawrence, High Level Complaints
  • 020 70872282 High Level Complaints Fax
  • 01707 299600 Reception at Welwyn Garden City office
  • 0161 4515123 Bulldog technical support, although listed as Pipex Homecall

The last one is especially interesting. Indeed, 0161 4515140 is a Pipex number...
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« Last Edit: Jun 5th, 2008 at 9:50pm by Dave »  
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Re: Pipex (Tiscali)
Reply #26 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 9:55pm
B Bulldog
BCC Bulldog - Straight through to queue/customer care operator
BTS Bulldog Technical Support: "To save time during technical diagnosis we recommend that you unplug your modem..." Then goes through to Bulldog Technical Support.
C Currently closed. No idea what dep't.
HC Homecall - If I've not said which dep't, that's because it was closed when I tried and the message didn't say.
HCC "Your call will be answered shortly, please hold the line." Then through to Pipex Homecall advisor.
HCTS Homecall Technical Support
HM Straight to hold music
MM MeetMe Conference Service
NO "Please enter your home telephone number including full area code."
P Pipex
PBSR Pipex Business Sales redirection message to 0800 9542831
PM "Welcome to Pipex. Your call may be monitored for quality and training purposes. For security reasons we can only discuss an account with the account holder, or an authorised third-party who can supply the password upon request." Then requests telephone number.
PCC Pipex - Straight through to queue/customer care operator
PUG Pipex Upgrade Menu: 1) Upgrade package 2) All other enquiries
Q "Your call will be answered shortly, please hold the line." Put into queue, no idea what for! Thanked for holding at regular intervals. Might be as HC.
>> Recorded message redirects to...
€ Rings, no answer
~ Engaged
! "Unfortunately, due unusually high call volumes all our advisors are currently busy on other calls. Please try again later..."

0161 4515xxx:

000 PM
001 >> 0800 4587000
002 PM
003 Pipex Credit Control
004 HC Mon-Fri 0800-2000, Sat 0800-1700
005 HC "Emergency situation" - unable to answer call
006 MM
007 MM
008 >> 0871 6633300
009 Q
010 MM
011 MM
012 PM
013 HC Mon-Fri 0800-2000, Sat 0800-1700 "Pipex Customer Care"
014 BTS
015 MM
016 PM
017 ~
018 Q
019 PM
020 MM
021 >> 0800 4587000
022 €
023 €
024 PBSR
025 "Cordor" Communications menu: 1) UK fleet 2) "Cordor" Communications limited fleet
026 ~
027 PM
028 >> 0871 6633300
029 HC Recording - Sales calls from this (or overlying NGN) number
030 PUG
031 PM
032 PM
033 PUG
034 >> 0800 4587000
035 P menu: 1) Recommend a friend 2) Join Pipex
036 €
037 PBSR
038 HC Mon-Fri 0800-2100, Sat 0800-1700
039 PBSR
040 P menu: 1) Keep "free" 1571 voicemail service
041 P menu: 1) Existing customer with query 2) Technical support 3) Join Pipex 4) Thinking of leaving
042 B opening hours: Mon-Fri 0800-2100 Sat 0800-1700 Sun 0900-1800
043 HCTS
044 HC Mon-Fri 0800-2100, Sat 0800-1700
045 ~
046 BTS
047 BTS
048 HC Mon-Fri 0800-2100, Sat 0800-1700
049 HC Mon-Fri 0800-2100, Sat 0800-1700
050 €
051 HC Mon-Fri 0800-2100, Sat 0800-1700
052 HC Mon-Fri 0800-2100, Sat 0800-1700
053 PBSR
054 BTS
055 Q
056 MM
057 PBSR
058 HC Mon-Fri 0800-2000, Sat 0800-1700
059 HC Mon-Fri 0800-2000, Sat 0800-1700
060 >> 0871 6633300
061 ~
062 >> 0871 6633300
063 PBSR
064 ~
065 PBSR
066 >> 0800 4587000
067 PBSR
068 P Sales: Mon-Fri 0800-2100 Sat 0900-1700
069 HC Mon-Fri 0800-2100, Sat 0800-1700
070 ~
071 Menu: 1) IT Service Desk 2) Facilities
072 >> 0871 6633300
073 PBSR
074 C Mon-Fri 0900-1800
075 P menu: 1) Continue receiving monthly bill in paper format
076 Q
077 >> 0800 4587000
078 >> 0871 6633300
079 HC Mon-Fri 0800-2000, Sat 0800-1700
080 HC Mon-Fri 0800-2100
081 >> 0870 1430904
082 PBSR
083 >> 0800 4587000
084 >> 0800 4587000
085 C Mon-Fri 0900-1800
086 >> 0871 6633300
087 >> 0871 6633300
088 >> 0800 4587000
089 PBSR
090 HC Mon-Fri 0800-2100, Sat 0800-1700
091 HCTS
092 HC Mon-Fri 0800-2100, Sat 0800-1700
093 >> 0800 4587000
094 >> 0800 4587000
095 >> 0800 4587000
096 PBSR
097 PBSR
098 HC Mon-Fri 0800-2100, Sat 0800-1700
099 Business Services Customer Care
100 P; opening hours Mon-Fri 0830-1730
101 MM
102 Q
103 >> 0800 4587000
104 "Test call to Manchester complete."
105 HC; opening Mon-Fri 0900-1800
106 >> 0800 4587000
107 >> 0871 6633300
108 >> 0871 6633300
109 MM
110 MM
111 MM
112 MM
113 >> 0871 6633300
114 MM
115 Q
116 NO
117 NO
118 >> 0800 4587000
119 >> 0871 6633300
120 MM
121 PBSR
122 BTS
123 BTS
124 BTS
125 HC Customer Relations
126 Q
127 HM
128 PBSR
129 >> 0800 4587000
130 PBSR
131 >> 0800 4587000
132 PUG
133 PM
134 PBSR
135 PM
136 ~
137 "If you would like to make a payment, please call 0871 2224077."
138 ~
139 >> 0871 6633300
140 PM
141 NO
142 PUG
143 PBSR
144 MM
145 ~
146 P - Opening hours Mon-Fri 0900-1700. No idea what dep't.
147 BCC
148 Bulldog Credit Control
149 >> 0800 4587000
150 P
151 BTS
152 HC Mon-Fri 0800-2000, Sat 0800-1700
153 BCC
154 PCC
155 >> 0871 6633300
156 >> 0800 4587000
157 P
158 PBSR
159 MM
160 !
161 !
162 !
163 !
164 !
165 B "Issues on exchanges in London area..."
166 ~
167 ~
168 >> 0871 6633300
169 >> 0871 6633300
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« Last Edit: Jun 6th, 2008 at 9:33am by Dave »  
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Global Moderator

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Re: Pipex (Tiscali)
Reply #27 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 9:56pm
170 BTS
171 Business Services Customer Care
172 BCC
173 Pipex Hosting
174 PM
175 HCC
176 PM
177 Recording - Sales calls from this (or overlying NGN) number
178 MM
179 MM
180 MM
181 €
182 >> 0800 4587000
183 €
184 €
185 €
186 €
187 P - Opening hours Mon-Fri 0900-1700. No idea what dep't.
188 >> 0800 4587000
189 >> 0871 6633300
190 €
191 MM
192 €
193 €
194 >> 0871 6633300
195 >> 0871 6633300
196 MM
197 €
198 MM
199 MM
200 MM
201 MM
202 €
203 €
204 €
205 €
206 €
207 €
208 €
209 €
210 €

Note that some of those which were open at the start were closed when I finished, such as those which are "PM".
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« Last Edit: Jun 6th, 2008 at 9:33am by Dave »  
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Posts: 2
Re: PIPEX Customer Services
Reply #28 - Jun 6th, 2008 at 11:30am
DaveM wrote on Oct 26th, 2006 at 7:49pm:
Sorry to say but you'll just have to
sit on the line
and wait, just like the rest of us have to.
It may not be convenient
but it isn't costing you much to sit & wait.

The next best thing you can do is to send them an email to get them to deal with your problem.

Sorry but
.  (
I'm in the same boat as they're my ISP also
)   Roll Eyes

Good God !  Isn't the purpose of this site to campaign against 0870 numbers ?  If so then I am astonished at the gutless and complacent response made here by an official of the site !
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Re: PIPEX Customer Services
Reply #29 - Jun 6th, 2008 at 12:27pm
marlin wrote on Jun 6th, 2008 at 11:30am:
Good God !  Isn't the purpose of this site to campaign against 0870 numbers ?  If so then I am astonished at the gutless and complacent response made here by an official of the site !

You should, perhaps, note that that comment was made over two years ago.
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