**** Signing up to the following program, earns this site $1 commission (once activated) to help keep it free ****
http://peer.gomez.com/peernetwork/jsp/application.jsp?Referrer=djblamire Right now your PC is bored. It could be earning you cash instead!
The Gomez PEER is a secure application that runs in the background of your system, and uses your PC's spare capacity to measure the performance of Web sites. Your PC will join other computers across the Internet to help Gomez provide the most realistic picture of Web performance. And at the same time, you can earn cash for every minute that your PC is on and connected to the Internet! The more you run the Gomez PEER, the more cash you can receive every month.
Register for the Gomez PEER today, and put your PC to work.
When you sign up, be sure to enter "djblamire" in the "Referred by" field...then be sure to tell your friends about it!
Please visit Gomez's program details page for more information and instructions on how to participate in our new incentive program.
http://peer.gomez.com/peernetwork/jsp/application.jsp?Referrer=djblamire **** Signing up to the following program, earns this site $1 commission (once activated) to help keep it free ****