Found this site yesterday and just wanted to say that I wish I had found it a long time ago. I was getting so fed up with the many retailers that have mainly 0870 numbers to use. One example was that I bought a Hi-Fi unit as a main present for my son at Christmas which was faulty. It cost me approximately £8.00 in total call costs to arrange a replacement- 2nd was faulty as well!
On checking through my BT bill this website will save me a small fortune over time. I have even managed to find my mortgage company's geo number and freephone instead of 0870. This will be handy shortly when I negotiate a new deal just before my fixed mortgage period is due to end. I can really argue the point that loyal customers should have the same deals as new customers as the phone bill for me phoning them will be significantly reduced or if it works free

I will make sure I tell as many people as possible about this site and add the alternative numbers to 0870 that I personally find.
Thanks for all the hard work in maintaining this site. See you soon.
Ps: I hope I have posted this right-in the process of learning!