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JD Williams Catalogues: Fashion World/SimplyBe etc (Read 149,581 times)
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JD Williams Catalogues: Fashion World/SimplyBe etc
Aug 10th, 2004 at 12:55pm
I'm a new member today and I don't know if I am doing this correctly, since this is my first experience with forums. Does anybody have alternative numbers for "Simply Be", a part of Fashion World. I have 0870-606-8000 for Ordering and 0870-602-2602 for Enquiries. I would welcome and advice on how to use this forum efficiently. Thanks.   Robinp

~ JD Williams thread merged by Dave
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« Last Edit: Dec 5th, 2010 at 1:56pm by Dave »  

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Re: Simply Be (a part of Fashion World)
Reply #1 - Aug 10th, 2004 at 2:35pm
A search shows Simply Be to be part of JD Williams. JD Williams number is 0161 2382000. See if they will put you through.
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« Last Edit: Aug 14th, 2004 at 9:02am by Forum Admin »  
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Re: Simply Be (a part of Fashion World)
Reply #2 - Aug 10th, 2004 at 6:42pm
I already tried that and they said
!  0161 2382000 is the Buying Offices so maybe they worked out we have the alternative number for all the catalogues & changed it !! Start looking for another people !

Googled around for the other number 0870 6022602 but couldn't find it anywhere.    Cry

  • For future posts, I suggest that you put the company name you want a number for in the Subject: field to make it easier for everyone to see the basic request.
  • If you want to rectify errors or omissions in a post, you can go back and Modify your original.
  • Check your information as best you can. The 0870 6068000 is for JD Williams (from what they tell me). The Order line for
    Simply be
    is 0870 6033603 - couldn't find alternative YET !  Undecided
  • No need to sign, unless you want to put a unique signature in your profile. Your info is on the left.
  • Edit your profile with "a little" info. See what others have done to get an idea.

Hope that helps. Anyone else got any more tips for Robin ?
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« Last Edit: Aug 14th, 2004 at 9:02am by Forum Admin »  
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Re: Simply Be (a part of Fashion World)
Reply #3 - Aug 11th, 2004 at 7:29am
Thank you Dave for trying, and thank you DaveM for all the advice, much appreciated. However, my wife has checked the recently received catalogs from Simply Be and Fashion World, my original 0870 numbers are the same for both companies and are definitely correct as I stated. I have 20 pages of 0800 freefone nos. accumulated over the years, some probably out of date, any use? Thanks to you both again
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« Last Edit: Aug 14th, 2004 at 9:02am by Forum Admin »  

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Re: Simply Be (a part of Fashion World)
Reply #4 - Aug 11th, 2004 at 1:29pm
When I rang 0161 2382000 from our listing again, they told me that 0870 6068000 is the Simply Be Order line and 0870 6033603 is Customer services, from which you can place orders for any of the catalogues. I also found that you can't do much else on  0161 2382000, so we need to find the Geographic alternative for
0870 6033603
to replace the one we presently show for all the catalogues. Undecided

Concerning the 0800 list. Yes please. We would love to add it if it replaces 087*/084* numbers. It may take a while to add them but all donations gratefully received.

I will send you an email address to send them to by instant message. Grin
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« Last Edit: Aug 14th, 2004 at 9:02am by Forum Admin »  
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Re: Simply Be (a part of Fashion World)
Reply #5 - Aug 11th, 2004 at 3:54pm
Worth a try!

These companies are part of [url=http://www.nbrown.co.uk/]N Brown Group[/url] and the number is listed as the JD Williams switchboard on their website.

Thing is "Simply Be" is a common phrase, so Google finds loads of rubbish.

I've tried Fashion World in Google and all I can find is 0161 236 9911 for orders and 0161 236 5511 for enquiries, but both are out of service.

The numbers we are looking for may be 0161 236 ???? or 0161 238 2???. A Google search of these prefixes throws up nothing.
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« Last Edit: Aug 14th, 2004 at 9:02am by Forum Admin »  
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Re: Simply Be (a part of Fashion World)
Reply #6 - Aug 14th, 2004 at 12:28am
You could try:

Fashion World
Catalogue Shopping & Mail Order
Admiral Way, Doxford International Business Park, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, SR3 3XW  

Tel: 0800 142143  

If it does work, could you please add to the database.
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« Last Edit: Aug 14th, 2004 at 9:03am by Forum Admin »  
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Re: Simply Be (a part of Fashion World)
Reply #7 - Aug 14th, 2004 at 7:30am
Hi pauldavidtz, Thanks for trying, I called 0800-142-143 which is the no. for Naturally Close Underwear. They just gave me an 0870 no. for Fashion World/Simply Be. This is proving to be a difficult one to crack! My wife called 0161-238-2000 yesterday to place an order and asked to be put through to Fw/Sb, they refused & when my wife complained about the cost of 0870 nos. they kept on insisting it was the usual National rate, when my wife disputed this, the girl on the other end said: "Nobody's forcing you to place an order". So much for British sales promotion. My wife then used the 0870 number, and the guy who took her order was furious when she related what had transpired, but said he didn't know any other no. to contact them. I think some of these firms are keeping their staff in the dark about these non-geographical nos. robin
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« Last Edit: Aug 14th, 2004 at 9:03am by Forum Admin »  

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Re: Simply Be (a part of Fashion World)
Reply #8 - Aug 14th, 2004 at 1:42pm
If you like using Simply Be/Fashion World so much, write to them and explain your disatisfaction at having to use 0870. Explain that these numbers carry a premium and are therefore premium rate.
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Shaun Howard

Re: Simply Be (a part of Fashion World)
Reply #9 - Aug 14th, 2004 at 11:09pm
Why bother to phone when you can place orders with the JD Williams group of companie over the internet within the cost of your existing ISP fee. It saves speaking to their aggressive  telesales staff and you get a printoff on what you have ordered. Only problem is that you have to phone if you want any discount on offer currently quoting code GYKU2 gives you 10% off - worth using their 0870 number to get this ! SH.
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Re: Simply Be (a part of Fashion World)
Reply #10 - Aug 31st, 2004 at 6:38am
Hi ya'll, I accidently found the no. to call in lieu of 0870 606 8000 & 0870 602 2602 myself. It's a freephone no. 0800 316 0576 to Simply Be's switchboard. Thanks everybody for your efforts.
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Express Shopping - (Part of JD Williams)
Reply #11 - May 10th, 2005 at 1:20pm
Trying to find the Express Shopping - 08702382000 non non geographic number  Grin
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« Last Edit: Sep 16th, 2005 at 1:26pm by Dave »  
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Re: Express Shopping - (Part of JD Williams)
Reply #12 - May 10th, 2005 at 3:20pm
As you havent given an address,postcode etc.
I am going to hazard a guess that you mean the Daily Express TV Shopping Channel.

This is run for the Express by J D Williams a big mail order company whose  Geographical No is
0161 238 2000.Let us know how you get on.
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« Last Edit: Sep 16th, 2005 at 1:26pm by Dave »  

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Re: Express Shopping - (Part of JD Williams)
Reply #13 - May 10th, 2005 at 4:04pm
Well I got a rather unhelpful woman who tried to put me back onto the 0870 number but I am guessing since she knew the number she probably could have helped me with my enquiry! Thank you!
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« Last Edit: Sep 16th, 2005 at 1:26pm by Dave »  
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Oxendales (Part of JD Williams)
Reply #14 - May 14th, 2005 at 11:14am
I recently discovered from your website that there was an alternative number for Oxendales (mail order co).
Their NGN was 0870 6099000  -  your website suggested 0161 2382000 as the alternative.

However, when the 0161 number was dialled I was told that it was a 'security number' whatever that is.

When I requested that I be transferred to the order department  I was told this was not possible and was given the original NGN (0870 6099000) to dial; so effectively there was no alternative number.
In fact it indicates that the B*****DS are on to us.

I now propose to send them an e-mail to the effect that they are about to lose a customer (a valued customer as they are always telling me!!) as a result of their devious methods.

I fear that it will have little effect unless hordes of people do the same: they might change their minds if they lose more money from disgruntled customers than they earn from using NGNs.

Has anyone else had similar experiences ? Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry
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« Last Edit: Sep 16th, 2005 at 1:36pm by Dave »  
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