The only numbers for Mastercare in Sheffield came up as Service Centre with the number 0870 1541541, and we have the alternatives for that in our list under
Currys Mastercare
However, Googling around (as you do) I came up with a load more numbers around the country, which are of NO USE in this case, but I thought I'd mention it !!
The Mastercare main switchboard (01442 888000) and Dixons Stores Group [DSG] (01442 353000) both have redirects messages to 0870 8503333. Still NO GOOD !!
A bit more got me heaps of numbers that don't work any more so are also useless !!
Then I came across the gem:-
Mastercare Coverplan Service Agreements LtdMaylands Avenue
Hemel Hempstead
Herts. HP2 7TG
01442 354444
Fax: 01442 353303
It's a good number but I couldn't try & get through to renewals (out of hours) - I'll leave that to you later.
. Before you renew, I suggest that you look at this
Tale of Woe.
I will most definitely be changing the cover I get on the microwave next time !