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Cheapest 0870/0845 calls? (Read 56,519 times)
Victor Delta

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Posts: 21
Poole, UK
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Cheapest 0870/0845 calls?
Oct 7th, 2004 at 1:21pm
I can't believe this but it appears to be correct.

Following a recent thread on the uk.telcom newsgroup (where fellow parents of offspring, who have recently started at university, were bemoaning the cost of calls to their study bedrooms, which are allocated 0870 numbers...), it was suggested that 3U only charge 2p/1p/1p (daytime/evenings/weekends) for such calls.

Since then, i have made contact with 3U ( 0800 279 0091 and www.3utelecom.co.uk ) and they have confirmed this is their charge for both 0870 and 0845 calls (in fact, all non-geographic calls as far as I can tell). They also provide the option of a call-by-call service (using 12911) or CPS service.

On the face of it, this is a lot cheaper than any other provider I am aware of - in fact they must be making a loss on such calls.

Is this too good to be true? If not, the cheapest call provider's list will need updating and calls to my daughter will become longer and more frequent than in the last couple of weeks!
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Re: Cheapest 0870/0845 calls?
Reply #1 - Oct 7th, 2004 at 1:43pm
I really would love to believe that but, having studied 3utelecom's website, I can't find anywhere where non-geographic numbers are mentioned.

Admittedly, the prices you quote are shown as being their 'National Rates' (here we go again with confusion being caused by the continued use of that phrase) but I'm going to remain sceptical until I can find specific entries on their published price list (which I can't at the moment).
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« Last Edit: Oct 7th, 2004 at 1:46pm by Heinz »  
After years of ignoring govt. guidelines & RIPPING OFF Council Tax payers using 0845 numbers, Essex County Council changed to 0345 numbers on 2 November 2015
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Victor Delta

Why is the devil always
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Posts: 21
Poole, UK
Gender: male
Re: Cheapest 0870/0845 calls?
Reply #2 - Oct 7th, 2004 at 1:59pm
Yes, I couln't find anything about it on the website either so i emailed them and now have written confirmation from them that 0870 and 0845 calls are charged at the same rate as geographic calls.

Contact them yourself if you don't believe it. Why they don't publish this info more clearly I do not know. Perhaps their (simple) tariff structure relies on users only making a small percentage of non-geographic calls and, once the word gets out, they'll block the loophole? Oh, why didn't I keep it to myself!?
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Re: Cheapest 0870/0845 calls?
Reply #3 - Oct 8th, 2004 at 9:12am
No access yet for cable customers
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Re: Cheapest 0870/0845 calls?
Reply #4 - Oct 8th, 2004 at 10:03am
Is it because they have off shore facilities that they can offer the savings on the 08xx numbers?
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Re: Cheapest 0870/0845 calls?
Reply #5 - Oct 8th, 2004 at 10:26am
If you look carefully on the 3u web site you will find the inevitable truth! They seem to have missed mentioning it for calls made using their code, but in the CPS section it states: "National Calls – Calls to UK national numbers, not including: mobile numbers, local calls or calls to special tariff numbers (such as national rate 0870 numbers). "

I am sure that we can presume that the same is even more likely to apply to calls made using the code, since CPS rates are, as always, more price competitive.

It's a great pity ......... but inevitable. It is the premiums which have to be paid with all revenue-sharing NGNs (disguised Premium numbers) that make price competition practically impossible. That is why BT started this gambit in the first place.

However, they like so many are still wrongly using the term "National" rate which is not now true. Someone ought to complain to Trading Standards about this?
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Ofcom are completely ineffectual
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Re: Cheapest 0870/0845 calls?
Reply #6 - Oct 8th, 2004 at 11:41am
Well spotted dorf.

Interesting about that 'confirmation' e-mail Victor Delta received - just goes to prove even the telcos can be fooled by the continued use of that damned 'National Rate' phrase.

Or does it?  (see below)
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« Last Edit: Oct 8th, 2004 at 8:33pm by Heinz »  
After years of ignoring govt. guidelines & RIPPING OFF Council Tax payers using 0845 numbers, Essex County Council changed to 0345 numbers on 2 November 2015
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Victor Delta

Why is the devil always
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Posts: 21
Poole, UK
Gender: male
Re: Cheapest 0870/0845 calls?
Reply #7 - Oct 8th, 2004 at 7:40pm
This really is most interesting because I have spoken to them again and been assured that 0870 & 0845 calls (at least) are charged at the same 2/1/1p rates as other land-line calls. When I queried this, the very helpful guy I spoke to did say that they get a lot of queries about this but it is absolutely correct.

Indeed, the original UK.telecom thread that gave me the idea includes a post from someone who has been using 3U for several months who confirms it is correct.

Anyway, I for one have now signed up for the Call-by-Call service and will let you know what happens.
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Re: Cheapest 0870/0845 calls?
Reply #8 - Oct 8th, 2004 at 9:57pm
All we need now is to get your own 0870 number, which some companies will pay 3p minute in revenue during peak time.

Then call yourself at 8am in the morning, then hang up at 6pm, every weekday.

Your phone bill is 2p minute, your revenue is 3p minute.

1p per minute profit per minute = 60p hour = £6 per 10 hours.

Do this every weekday, and you make £30 per week!!

All this for just calling yourself.  Quite a loophole here.

Just hope their rates are correct, else you won't get the money to pay for the large phone bill.

PS - What about 0871 rates!!
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I realy hait itt wen peeple canot spel proply. Itt getts onn mye nervs sew mutch annd streses mee owt. Knot onley iz itt vary bade speling butt allso bade gramer.
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Posts: 15
Re: Cheapest 0870/0845 calls?
Reply #9 - Oct 16th, 2004 at 10:09am
???Having signed up to this service, I put it to the test by trying to dial two separate 0845 numbers - and guess what! - 'number unobtainable' sound with both numbers. I checked their service out with non-0845 numbers and no problem getting a ring tone. I tried to contact them to query this problem but no one there on a Saturday! They've obviously had second thoughts about offering their flat rate charge across the board.  Angry
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Victor Delta

Why is the devil always
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Posts: 21
Poole, UK
Gender: male
Re: Cheapest 0870/0845 calls?
Reply #10 - Oct 16th, 2004 at 11:34am
Have you tried any 0870 numbers?

I had the same experience as you with an 0845 number but more success with 0870 numbers. Which seems odd, doesn't it?
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Posts: 15
Re: Cheapest 0870/0845 calls?
Reply #11 - Oct 17th, 2004 at 10:50pm
Yes, I've tried 0870 numbers and these 'go through' - re-tried a number of 0845 numbers but no success! So what do we do? Keep quiet and just use 3U for 0870 numbers or query the situation and risk a complete clampdown on both 0870 and 0845 numbers? SH.
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Victor Delta

Why is the devil always
in the detail?

Posts: 21
Poole, UK
Gender: male
Re: Cheapest 0870/0845 calls?
Reply #12 - Oct 18th, 2004 at 3:19pm
I've just spoken to them. Apparently they have a known problem (fault) at the moment with calls to 0845 numbers owing to an issue with one of their partner networks.

They are currently trying to resolve the problem and I have been promised an email when they have. I'll keep you posted.
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Ex Member

Re: Cheapest 0870/0845 calls?
Reply #13 - Oct 24th, 2004 at 6:44pm
It seems to me that the cheapest way of phoning 0870 numbers, especially during the day and if you expect the call to last longer than 4 minutes (call centre on hold...) is using a BT Payphone. 30p for up to 15 minutes.


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Re: Cheapest 0870/0845 calls?
Reply #14 - Oct 28th, 2004 at 8:56am
hmm, I wonder if 0fcom might consider this anti-competitive?

Another reminder to put those consultation responses in.
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