ajp wrote on Feb 12
th, 2010 at 4:19pm:
Anyone know alternative to 07973100145 which is a number from a landlineto Orange support for Pay as you go Phones. The one listed is only for Monthly payment phones
Hi and welcome to SAYNOTO0870.COM.
I repeat comments made elsewhere that Orange uses 0870 numbers for all its offices and customer helplines are 07 number operated by itself, which on principle is the same.
Take your pick from the 0800 numbers. If you have to call the 07973 number, then it will be treated as a mobile call from any other network other than Orange. So if someone has a mobile with inclusive minutes on, they will apply there. Not sure what it will cost from an Orange mobile because Orange could bill it differently to other 07mobile numbers.
If calling from a landline, use 18185 during the week as it will cost 6ppm (charged in whole minute intervals) plus 5p connection.