WRONG ! You're incorrect on 3 counts !
1st - it's 5.5p for and hour on BT evenings
Not forgetting that's whether your call is 1min or 60min. So for each 1min to 5min call to a local number costs MORE than the 0845 call of the same duration.
2nd - it's 1p/min for an evening 0845 call
3rd - A lot of people DON'T change because they are confused
You seem to be in the minority that did change (which I did as well, many years ago). If I as a well informed, fairly intelligent person said that the market confuses the hell out of me at times, I hate to think what it does for the average, uninformed user. I've put the Telco information in front of many friends & changed their minds quite quickly without confusing them. A lot still didn't change. Whether it was apathy, lethargy, stupidity or laziness, I have no idea.
You can't win 'em all !