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NHS premium & national rate phone lines ban (Read 212,260 times)
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I hate Qs on Premium NGNs

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Re: NHS premium & national rate phone lines ba
Reply #150 - Apr 13th, 2005 at 6:21pm
Hey NGM,

You may have hit upon it! That is the real reason the Police are so keen on these Premium numbers. Just imagine the improvement in undetected crime figures which will be a direct result, because so many people will be detered from reporting crimes if it is going to cost them.

I think that is such a good point that  I think you should deliver it to Michael Howard or Charles Kennedy to give political publicity to at this crucial time.
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Re: NHS premium & national rate phone lines ba
Reply #151 - Apr 13th, 2005 at 7:56pm
Hey NGM,

You may have hit upon it! That is the real reason the Police are so keen on these Premium numbers. Just imagine the improvement in undetected crime figures which will be a direct result, because so many people will be detered from reporting crimes if it is going to cost them.

I think that is such a good point that  I think you should deliver it to Michael Howard or Charles Kennedy to give political publicity to at this crucial time.


Clearly amongst those aware of the high cost of calling Surrey Police on 0845 there will now be a bias towards only those callers who actually believe that their crime has a high chance of being detected by the boys in blue.

And as for residents who are burgled while overseas they aren't even going to be able to get in touch with the Police to discuss it even if they want to, especially as there is no 999 to call for the uk police from abroad.

As you say it could also be worth trying to persuade Messrs Howard or Kennedy that the whole 084x/087x is New Labour stealth tax and get a commitment from them to abolishing higher call charges to these numbers, in the event that should they be elected.
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Re: NHS premium & national rate phone lines ba
Reply #152 - Apr 13th, 2005 at 8:24pm
I have read back a fair while before sending this:
Does anybody know who is coining it with regard to the police?
It is well known that NEG are in bed With the NHS, could it be that the police are similarly tucked up?
I know that NGM said it has nothing to do with the NEG scam. But..
Are you sure?

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Re: NHS premium & national rate phone lines ba
Reply #153 - Apr 13th, 2005 at 11:06pm
I have read back a fair while before sending this:
Does anybody know who is coining it with regard to the police?
It is well known that NEG are in bed With the NHS, could it be that the police are similarly tucked up?
I know that NGM said it has nothing to do with the NEG scam. But..
Are you sure?


All I can tell you is that the Surrey Police 0845 project was led from the front by none other than the Chief Constable (at that stage Dennis O'Connor QPM) who extolled with pride at a presentation just how much better it would be for their call answering times, centralised modern database access etc, etc.

This was 2 or 3 years ago and although I was already still a vigorous opponent back then of the dreaded 0870 and 0845 I had not been emboldened in quite the manner brought about by meeting those of a like mindset in this forum.

No one company is coining it with regard to the Police nationwide as every force is a separate authority and will do their own thing and as there are only 60 authorities altogether I doubt there is one company dedicated to flogging switchboards to just the Police.  But of course I'm sure that the people selling the equipment for the Surrey Police call centre are none other than precisely the same kind of people selling to the Inland Revenue, the DVLA, the Passport Agency etc, etc.

I have a complaint running with Surrey Police Authority currently regarding  their 0845 number but a formal response is taking a while.  Then following the outcome of this complaint with Surrey Police Authority I shall be writing to the Chief Constable of Surrey Police as well.

Surrrey Police are one of the worst offenders.  They have abolished all contact numbers of all kinds  in favour of the 0845 call centre.  Other forces have still retained geographic phone numbers for some areas of their activity.
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« Last Edit: Apr 13th, 2005 at 11:07pm by N/A »  
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I hate Qs on Premium NGNs

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Re: NHS premium & national rate phone lines ba
Reply #154 - Apr 14th, 2005 at 4:52pm
NGM, in reply to your earlier point, I doubt whether even all of those who suffer or witness a crime and believe that there is a good chance of the police detecting the perpetrators will call, when they know it is now a disguised Premium number they have to call, which will cost them for being a public-spirited citizen.

So even if only some do not I still believe the overall effect will be fewer crimes reported, therefore fewer crimes for the police to solve and an apparent reduction in the crime rate resulting from this which the government will claim is because of their efforts in reducing crime!

It is all smoke and mirrors. but this is particularly attractive to government and police because it offers both an apparent reduction in the level of crime and a stealth tax!
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« Last Edit: Apr 14th, 2005 at 8:39pm by dorf »  

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Re: NHS premium & national rate phone lines ba
Reply #155 - Apr 14th, 2005 at 5:16pm

Also do not forget that there will be reduced call centre queuing times as well due to the people no longer prepared to call.  So another target will be met. Wink
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I hate Qs on Premium NGNs

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Re: NHS premium & national rate phone lines ba
Reply #156 - Apr 14th, 2005 at 8:37pm

That's another good point!

It shows you just what a real scam this all is. Out of what is predominantly deceipt and extortion they turn all of the resultant effects into apparent statistical advantages to deceive those fooled into paying.

What better way is there to milk fools of their money?
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I hate Qs on Premium NGNs

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Re: NHS premium & national rate phone lines ba
Reply #157 - Apr 22nd, 2005 at 1:57pm
Working Lunch had a small item concerning this abuse with GPs included in their programme today. However, as usual they treated the whole issue as if it was really all OK, and the principal conclusion was that the situation was different in Scotland, where 0870s have not yet been banned for this specific application for GPs! They seem to consider that changing to the use of a lower rate Disguised Premium number (0844) instead of 0870 seems to make it all OK for GPs.

Either they are towing the government line, or they are just plain ill-informed! If they continuously cannot get their research on this issue of NGN abuse correct it makes you wonder how much of the other stuff which they propogate about Financial matters is correct or reliable? For example today they actually claimed that high-speed lathes cutting metal have the piece part sprayed with "WATER", whereas of course it is actually a special lubricant to protect the cutting tool and cool down the piece part and cutting tool!

Ms. Gillian Lacey seems to have a quiet appreciation for 0870 abuse particularly, and expressed that she was quite surprised that so many viewers seem to be so incensed by them, as if she could not understand why anyone could be upset! Also she specifically stated that 0870s are charged at the NATIONAL RATE -- STILL! Which world does she live in?

It is this mis-information deliberately peddled by the media that ensures that the deception is continued.
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« Last Edit: Apr 22nd, 2005 at 5:40pm by dorf »  

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Re: NHS premium & national rate phone lines ba
Reply #158 - Apr 22nd, 2005 at 2:16pm
Either they are towing the government line, or they are just plain ill-informed! If they continuously cannot get their research on this issue of NGN abuse correct it makes you wonder how much of the other stuff which they propogate about Financial matters is correct or reliable?

Ms. Gillian Lacey seems to have a quiet appreciation for 0870 abuse particularly, and expressed that she was quite surprised that so many viewers seem to be so incensed by them, as if she could not understand why anyone could be upset! Also she specifically stated that 0870s are charged at the NATIONAL RATE -- STILL! Which world does she live in?


I wonder how many regular contributors to this site either work from home or are retired or part retired and so actually have to pay most/all their own phone call costs?  I suspect the vast majority of regular contributors to this site fit this profile?

The problem is that the typical busy media person has all their phone call costs, including those on their own behalf to 0870/0845 numbers, paid by their business either via the use for personal calls of their business fixed line numbers or via their business mobile phone for which the entire bill will be paid by the business - in this case the BBC.

Because they don't pay their own phone bill and don't see the huge difference for call costs to 087x and 084x numbers like we do they don't seem to believe the scam exists.  This in turn is mainly because over the last 10 years BT and Cable & Wireless's salesemen have maliciously and cynically peddled a lie of quite breathtaking proportions which the useless Kipping folk at OFTEL and now Ofcom actually allowed them to perpetuate.

The cynical lie was that these 0870 and 0845 calls were ordinary local and national rate calls and because the lie is being told even now most unquestioning members of the public (that is about 92% of them) just take it all at face value.

The lie here is almost as breathtaking in its success as the lie perpetrated by Saddam Hussein, Stalin, the Generals in Argentina or Hitler about what happened to all those missing people.  The fact is that if you tell a lie often enough and repetitively enough with the full backing of the government apparatus (in this case OFTEL) that in the end you will be successful in making most people believe your lie.  This is quite clearly what has happened in this case.
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I hate Qs on Premium NGNs

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Re: NHS premium & national rate phone lines ba
Reply #159 - Apr 22nd, 2005 at 3:52pm
Yes NGM, that is the problem, and if the media such as the BBC keep peddling this lie it is no wonder the general public just do not wake up to what is going on.

In the past Working Lunch have also propogated an additional part of the lie - that no entity using 0870 (including high volume receivers) get more than 2 p per minute in Premiums!
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« Last Edit: Apr 22nd, 2005 at 3:57pm by dorf »  

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Re: NHS premium & national rate phone lines ba
Reply #160 - Apr 22nd, 2005 at 4:23pm
In the past Working Lunch have also propogated an additional part of the lie - that no entity using 0870 (including high volume receivers) get more than 2 p per minute in Premiums!

Given that Working Lunch is another BBC program one can only assume that the journalists and/or producer on Working Lunch are much more careerist types wanting only to please the 0870 profit seeking senior BBC management instead of embarassing them.  And as we know the BBC is one of the worst abusers of 0870 numbers out there.

Clearly You & Yours does not give much of a damn but then they operate with the input of the redoubtable John Waite who is reknowned for his independence of mind and extremely hard hitting consumer reports.  Also the whole of Your & Yours seems to be built on asking politically incorrect questions that no else in the media dares to ask.

There was a time when You & Yours seemed to lose its way be endorsing all forms of aggressive speed enforcement but I think we probably have some of the female presenters of the program to thank for that.
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Re: NHS premium & national rate phone lines ba
Reply #161 - Apr 22nd, 2005 at 5:23pm
Not wanting to appear to be a spanner in the works, but when NG numbers were introduced (0345 & 0645), none of us had these nice cheap call packages, so they were in fact local & national rate.

Unfortunately I believe that when the UK telecoms market was opened up & BT was no longer the only option, they (our phone call providers) saw "the scam" of how they could charge us extra for these NGN's.  This way they could tell us we were getting free calls, but failed to tell us that they were funded by the expensive NGN's.  OFCOM/OFTEL should have nipped it in the bud then, but must do it now.

Telephone call charges are an absolute minefield, which I understand, but the 92% don't.  There are so many different packages, that most people (myself included sometimes) either aren't clever enough or can't be bothered to try to work out which one is cheaper for them.

To make it worst, the British media (especially newspaper press) never give the truth or both sides of an argument, only what suits them.
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Re: NHS premium & national rate phone lines ba
Reply #162 - Apr 22nd, 2005 at 5:40pm
Not wanting to appear to be a spanner in the works, but when NG numbers were introduced (0345 & 0645), none of us had these nice cheap call packages, so they were in fact local & national rate.

Unfortunately I believe that when the UK telecoms market was opened up & BT was no longer the only option, they (our phone call providers) saw "the scam" of how they could charge us extra for these NGN's.  This way they could tell us we were getting free calls, but failed to tell us that they were funded by the expensive NGN's.  OFCOM/OFTEL should have nipped it in the bud then, but must do it now.


Sorry to correct you but it is not the cheap call carriers who are the source of the 0845/0870 ripoff.  The villains are BT, Cable & Wireless and the ever complacent and incompetent Ofcom.

The reason that the other call companies charge even more than BT for 087x and 084x calls is because Ofcom recently changed the rules to let BT and Cable & Wireless charge their rivals even more for terminating calls to their customers running 087x and 084x call centres than they charge their own BT Residential customers for these calls.  This was apparently done in the name of deregulation and light touch by Ofcom.

The reason that 0870 and 0845 aren't available any more cheaply anywhere else is because the call recipients get a rake off of up to 4p per minute and all of the rest of the extra profit nearly goes to BT and Cable & Wireless who terminate 90%+ of calls to 0845 and 0870 numbers.

If someone like 18866 could find a way to carry calls to 084x/087x cheaper than BT does and yet still make a profit on it I am quite sure that they would be only too delighted to do so.
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I hate Qs on Premium NGNs

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Re: NHS premium & national rate phone lines ba
Reply #163 - Apr 22nd, 2005 at 5:55pm
Absolutely correct NGM, except that my research shows that the high-volume scam merchants are making as much as 4.6 p per minute from 0870 and more from other NGNs like 0871 and 07 PNS.

As you say it is the actions of Ofcom which continuously make things worse, and what really needs to be looked at in detail is why Ofcom and Oftel before them do these things, which clearly continuously favour the position of BT. One of the reasons is that there are ex-BT people at senior levels within Ofcom who clearly still have some sort of continuing relationships with BT, and as a result Ofcom clearly fails to meet its responsibilities under the acts for an unbiased and neutral position of regulation; it could be also of course that certain individuals within Ofcom have an even more substantive interest in maintaining the Status Quo or even adjusting it to be more in the interest of BT instead of ensuring that free unrestricted competition may take place.

Then of course there is the government pressure, since now they have got their snouts heavily into the trough and don't want the revenue flow into the Exchequor to cease with all of their other fiscal difficulties.
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Re: NHS premium & national rate phone lines ba
Reply #164 - Apr 22nd, 2005 at 6:08pm
As you say it is the actions of Ofcom which continuously make things worse, and what really needs to be looked at in detail is why Ofcom and Oftel before them do these things, which clearly continuously favour the position of BT. One of the reasons is that there are ex-BT people at senior levels within Ofcom who clearly still have some sort of continuing relationships with BT, and as a result Ofcom clearly fails to meet its responsibilities under the acts for an unbiased and neutral position of regulation; it could be also of course that certain individuals within Ofcom have an even more substantive interest in maintaining the Status Quo or even adjusting it to be more in the interest of BT instead of ensuring that free unrestricted competition may take place.

4.6p per minute you say Dorf?  That means poor old BT may have to now make do with only 3p per minute for carrying the call compared to the mere fractions of a penny for the whole call they would earn if I routed a call to one of their customers via a geographic number with call18866.  Unless of course the call is from a Phonebox to an 0870 in which case BT Wholesale gets over 6p per minute for their trouble, even at the weekend.  For 0845 the BT Wholesale Phonebox rakeoff is probably around 9p to 10p per minute.  This is due to a highly anticompetitive contract between BT Wholesale and BT Phonebox division.  Sadly BT Phonebox division who provide the boxes doesn't seem to get any of the extra financial benefit of these quite exorbitant 0845 and 0870 charges.

Regarding Ofcom I get the distinct impression that Geoff Brighton, who is coordinating the work on NTS Options for the Future, could well be a former BT employee.  Of course I could equally be quite wrong but as Ofcom don't post their senior staff CVs on their website I can't actually be sure either way.
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