BT is not covered by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Oftel is).
Under section 5(1) of the Act The Secretary of State (who is also Lord Chancellor) Lord Falconer of the Department of Constitutional Affairs (DCA) has the power to add an organisation to the list of bodies covered by the Act
The DCA is preparing a consultation process re above, if you would like to be included in the mailing list, send a request to DCA, 54 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QW or email them: InformationRights@DCA.gsi.gov.uk (subject heading: “Consultation Paper FIA S5 – Mailing List”) with your name and address.
The telephone number is 020 7210 8042 (they would prefer an email request)
My response would be to request that BT be included as it “exercises functions of a public nature” – the words used in section 5(1)a of the Act.