I have joined your post onto the existing thread on the Salford University phone system.
What is your 0870 number (with last digits **ed out)? Is it as in the first post? Is the 0870 specific for your room or is it one which you dial, and then, when it prompts you to, the caller enters the extension number?
I think that the number you have posted may be very useful.
Firstly, it's too many digits. The actual number is 0161 2792000. Did you call this number or did you input all the digits, including the extension number, when calling it back? Dialling it with too many digits may make it tell you "not recognised" or similar.
Secondly, the 0161 279 prefix is allocated to NTL, change (probably allocation) date 07/1996.
You say your extension number is 12**. I would try 0161 27922** where the bold bit is the last three digits of your internal extension number. Also try 0161 27912** where the bold bit is the extension number.
If you do get an answer, you might like to ask whether the person is a student in the accommodation. If we have an extension and 0161 pair, then we should be able to work out how the two relate.