Quote:Big problem with onetel is that customer services are in India, and they are sh1t!
It took me nearly 2 weeks and a phone call to head office demanding to speak to someone in the UK, ending up speaking to a PA for one of the directors who eventually sorted the problem out (which happened to be calls going to my 1571 service supllied by onetel got a message saying my phone number didnt exist!)
All fine if all goes well, but if not you are stuck!
Now now, that's a bit prejudiced against them
I've actually had some superb sevice from Indian call centres. They are [usually] so much more polite and are happy to do their job because they know if they don't do it properly they'll be sacked and back, jobless, on the streets. In Britain, the call centre staff don't have a problem with being slow, sluggish and sloppy with customer service because if sacked they simply go to the union, take legal action against the employer or failing that, get a guaranteed income on Income Support. Then when customers complain about poor service, they whine about jobs being moved abroad. If we British can't do it properly, someone else will.
However, after phoning Onetel's customer service line, I must admit they aren't trained properly. Can't blame them personally - it's one of the British bigshots at the top in India trying to cost-cut.