Quote:Especially now that you have published this method of abusing their system on here.
If you are going to exploit a technical mistake by a company in a way that they would probably be able to take you to court for if you did it in large amounts and they managed to identify who you were then its best not to tell the world about it on the web!
If it had been a legitimate new bargain rate then please do of course tell everyone out there.
Sorry for replying to this so late, and also after the event - I was abroad for over 3 weeks.
I made the same discovery as Shiggaddi about this, and put rather cryptic clues to it on MSE in June before I left.
Was it a technical mistake, was it unfair to exploit it?
They gave automatic instructions to do this, so could hardly claim that the use was fraudulent or abusive - if you called their 0845 number then attempted 0044871--- the message told you to redial using the 0844721 access number.