NFH wrote on Oct 21
st, 2006 at 7:26pm:
I escalated this to the Healthcare Commission for an independent review in October 2005, and a year later, I have just received the decision of this review (on 4 sides of A4). The Healthcare Commission has unfortunately concluded that Chislehurst Medical Practice "is within its rights to operate the telephone system that it currently has", but it has also stated that the practice should "investigate whether the number it has advised for it to be contacted from abroad can be accessed" and that "if it is found that it is not possible to contact the practice from abroad, under the current system, it should consider implementing a way for patients abroad to contact it by telephone". It would be very helpful if members of this board could give anecdotal examples of foreign networks (fixed line and mobile) from which UK 0844 numbers cannot be dialled. If anyone can specifically test +44 844 477 8989 from networks abroad, that would be really helpful.
Ofcom's own NTS statement may provide some useful background regarding terminating calls to +44 844: As discussed in more detail in Annex 4, Ofcom has also obtained information from
BT and C&W (the two largest TCPs) on the proportions of incoming 084 and 087
traffic, which originates abroad. Based on this information, Ofcom estimates that
between 1.5% and 5.5% of 0845 and 0870 traffic originates abroad. BT told Ofcom
that it blocks almost all international inbound traffic to 0844 and 0871 numbers
because of concerns about fraud and C&W told Ofcom that they block some traffic
because historically there had been little demand for these ranges to be opened for
international access. It was not possible to estimate reliably the proportion of 0844
and 0871 calls that originate abroad because it is unclear whether BT and C&W are
typical in blocking international access to 0844 and 0871 numbers. If BT is typical it
would suggest that the vast majority of traffic is blocked. However, this hypothesis is
somewhat at odds with the results of the sample survey, which shows that 0871
numbers can be accessed from approximately 20% of foreign networks and C&W,
indicated that it only blocks some inbound traffic to 0844 and 0871 numbers.
Annex 4
4 International access to 0844 and 0871
A4.1 Some CPs and resellers believed that the 0844 and 0871 ranges would be a poor
substitute for some SPs migrating from the 0845 and 0870 ranges because those
ranges can not always be called from abroad. Views on the extent of international
access varied but there was general agreement that it is much more restricted than
for 0845 and 0870 which were generally thought to be accessible from most foreign
networks. Some CPs and resellers believed that 0844 and 0871 numbers can not
be accessed from abroad at all.
A4.9 BT told Ofcom that it blocks almost all inbound international calls to 0844 and 0871
numbers but not calls to 0845 and 0870 numbers because of concerns about fraud.
C&W said that it blocks some inbound international calls to 0844 and 0871 numbers
principally because demand had not been so high historically. Neither BT nor C&W
place any restriction on inbound calls to 0845 and 0870 numbers.
A4.10 Ofcom was unable to produce a reliable estimate of the proportion of 0844 and
0871 traffic that is originated abroad because it is unclear whether BT and C&W are
typical in blocking some/all international inbound traffic to 0844 and 0871 numbers
and because C&W was only able to provide an estimate for 0845 traffic. If BT is
typical it would suggest that the vast majority of traffic is blocked. However, this
hypothesis is somewhat at odds with the results of the sample survey which shows
that 0871 numbers can be accessed from approximately 20% of foreign networks
and C&W indicated that it only blocks some inbound traffic to 0844.