I have just received this reply from someone at the Cabinet Office in relation to the complaint I filed on the DirectGov website -
www.direct.gov.uk - about their listing of the 0870 Met Police Casualty Bureau number. Note that even now they still don't list the 020 number on the DirectGov website even though they claim that they hope such numbers will soon be "phased out".
From this reply it would appear that the Cabinet Office believe they have no say in the number used by the Police for this incident so it seems that Mr Blair and his Cabinet colleagues are clearly a lot less powerful than I had foolishly previously imagined them to be. So I wonder who is really running the country then?
From: Stephen.Churchill@cabinet-office.gsi.gov.uk
Sent: 12 July 2005 09:56
Subject: Re: Directgov - 0870 number?
Thank you for your email.
Directgov is a UK government website providing information and advice about
a wide range of public services.
The 0870 number published is the one issued by the Metropolitan Police Casualty Bureau for this series of incidents, which we therefore have no say in. We have reason to believe that they will be phasing this out in the near future for an 0800 number, and once they have done so we will obviously change this on our site. You would need to contact the Metropolitan Police themselves to query them as to their reason for using this number though.
Stephen Churchill
Directgov Helpdesk Team