Quote:BTW. Is there or why isn't there an equivalent 'Dont-Send-me-Any' database for E-mail ?
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2000/01/11/work_hard_for_your_spam/But as you can see from The Register article the system is not perfect. The TPS service and MPS service do work 99% of the time though. I get only a handful of unwanted sales calls and may be 3 or 4 bits of unsolicited post in the year with these services
You can also register not to receive the Royal Mail's junk Door to Door unaddressed leaflets for Esure, Sky, pizza companies etc delivered to every letterbox by sending in this form to the Royal Mail at the address quoted:-
To: Door to Door Opt Outs
Royal Mail |
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I understand that I may miss important information from local, national or government publications that are sent using this service.
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