My own response arrived today.
I write in connection with your request for information dated 08/07/2005. I note you seek access to information relating to:
· The Metropolitan Police Service's use of an 0870 number for the Casualty Bureau in response to the terrorist attacks of 7 July.
Your email is one of a number we have received raising issues of concern surrounding the use of these numbers.
I will answer your questions using your numbering.
1 - What is the underlying geographic number to 0870 1566 344?
Casualty Bureaux do not use the same numbers for different incidents, so there is no standard number to give an equivalent for.
2 - Why was a non-geographic number used for the casualty bureau?
In relation to the Casualty Bureau number, the Police Information Technology Organisation (PITO) negotiated the contract with Cable and Wireless to provide National Mutual Aid Telephony between forces and members of the public as part of the PNN2 framework arrangement for data and telecommunications services, and provided the 0870 number for our use. This mutual aid capability is essential to give the police service the number of call handling positions it needs for a major incident at short notice.
3 - Does the Metropolitan Police recognize the difficulty in calling the 0870 number from overseas and if so, why wasn't an alternative number provided?
Shortly after the MPS Casualty Bureau became operative on 7 July, it became apparent that not all non-UK telephony service providers were able to connect to the non-geographic 0870 number. PITO, therefore, provided, at the MPS's request, a geographic number (020 7158 0010) to sit alongside the 0870 number from the evening of Friday 8 July. This was published on the MPS website and released by our Press Office.
A working group, led by the Home Office, was established to look at the telephony arrangements for the operation of the Casualty Bureau. Hazel Blears, Minister for Policing, has agreed that the use of 0870 should be discontinued in favour of a combination of 0800 and a geographic 020 number, which will be marketed primarily for the use of overseas callers. These arrangements are already in place and will be activated in the event of another major incident requiring the opening of a Casualty Bureau. The Casualty Bureau to service 7/7 closed on 27 July.
4 - Which party receives the revenue generated from the 0870 number and how much has been generated?
Neither the MPS nor the Home Office, nor PITO has profited financially from the use of the 0870 number for the MPS Casualty Bureau.
Cable and Wireless have agreed to donate their profits from the use of the 0870 number to the London Bombings Relief Fund and Hazel Blears has asked mobile phone service providers to do the same, or to waive the charge to their customers.
5 - Is the Metropolitan Police aware of the government\'s own advice regarding call centers and 0870 numbers?
This information is provided by the COI and can be found at \'cost to citizen\' update.
The COI guidelines relate to the use of 0870 numbers and the provision of alternative numbers for low income earners. Since the MPS do not contract for 0870 numbers the guidelines are not applicable.
Your attention is drawn to the attached sheet which details your right of complaint.
Should you have any further inquiries concerning this matter, please contact the Public Access Office on 020 7161 3555 quoting the reference number above.