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0870 Strike back ?? (Read 17,456 times)

Posts: 3
0870 Strike back ??
Jul 18th, 2005 at 3:29pm
I'm a newbie here and I registered so that I can suggest a way that the "little people" can strike back at businesses exploiting us. Forgive me if this has already been suggested.

My idea is that with so many sites offering free sign-up for 0870 numbers and even offering to pay "up to 4p/minute" why don't we all sign-up for a premium rate number and then give that number to the banks, credit card companies, local council and utilities etc., etc.. Then if we can get them to call us they will perhaps understand what we object to about their 0870 numbers.

If enough people do this then we might even get lucky enough to use up all the numbers and swamp the system and bring it to its knees.

The neat thing is that it will be using the system to defeat the system!

Have fun,

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« Last Edit: Jul 18th, 2005 at 3:41pm by Kamenote-jin »  

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Re: 0870 Strike back ??
Reply #1 - Jul 18th, 2005 at 4:11pm
It is certainly a good idea, and has been suggested on quite a few threads, and I do it myself!!

As for swamping the system, I don't think it would ever happen.  Having just worked it out, if every single 0870 number was used that would be 10 million numbers, and a further 10 million for 0871 as well!!

If they did get used up, then they would just bring up new numbering systems, like they already have done on 0844.  They would just introduce something like 0872, or 0843.

Also, if every residential customer did sign up, it would make the telecoms companies re-think their conditions on minimum useage, and set up costs, or insistance that it's for business use only.  This might work well in putting off smaller companies from signing up, and of course residential customers only receiving about an hours worth of calls a month.

However it won't put off the likes of Barclaycard, DVLA, and other very large organisations handling loads of 0870 calls, as even a set up cost of about £1000 would be a small price to pay for the returns.

However on that note, companies, and individuals already with 0870 numbers would have agreed on the original contract, and if the set up cost and monthly cost was free, then a telecoms company probably won't be able to change those terms and conditions.
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I realy hait itt wen peeple canot spel proply. Itt getts onn mye nervs sew mutch annd streses mee owt. Knot onley iz itt vary bade speling butt allso bade gramer.
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Re: 0870 Strike back ??
Reply #2 - Jul 18th, 2005 at 4:23pm
Look at the Say no to 0870! Hot Topics thread, a few such threads are linked to there.
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Re: 0870 Strike back ??
Reply #3 - Jul 18th, 2005 at 9:44pm
Thanks for those replies. Just shows that original ideas are very rare. I can't fault the arithmetic and hoping to swamp the system was just being wistful. However if enough people get on the band wagon then the action may get noticed by the media (especialy if they are pointed in the right direction) and that might lead to more public awareness and more objections. The medai love public action stories. Maybe we can turn a snowball into an avalanche!

Having browsed the links in Hot Topics I have now sent an application off for an 0871 number. I'll let you know how it goes. The web site asked for company registration number and VAT registration number but they weren't mandatory fields. After all not all businesses are Ltd. or PLC and neither are they all VAT registered.
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Re: 0870 Strike back ??
Reply #4 - Jul 19th, 2005 at 9:29am
Normally you'd need a certain number of calls/sufficient duration to the 0871 number to allow a payment to be made... what if you don't make the total??  If I remember rightly, you don't get paid at all if you don't receive a minimum amount of incoming calls per month or certain time period... ???

Can someone confirm/deny this? Undecided
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Re: 0870 Strike back ??
Reply #5 - Jul 19th, 2005 at 10:11am

I believe you are right.  I have an 0871 via Call08.com (cant recommend them now as they charge a monthly fee currently but didn't when I signed-up with them) and only if payment gets to an accumulated monthly total of £50.

I give my 0871 contact number out to companies that operate 087x numbers themselves, companies operating lower NGN's and geographical get my geographical number.

I know I'm not likely to get get any payment back but to be honest I'm not bothered at all as my point is to get back at these 087x companies themselves by making them pay at least 10ppm to call me instead of me paying over the odds to call them.
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Re: 0870 Strike back ??
Reply #6 - Jul 19th, 2005 at 10:34am
There seem to be quite a few site offering payments no matter what the call rate/volume. For example:

"Revenue Out Payments (per month)
up to 9,999 peak minutes @ 3p per minute peak and 4p per minute off peak
10,000 – 49,999 peak minutes @ 3.5p per minute peak and 4.5p per minute off peak
50,000 – 99,999 peak minutes @ 4p per minute peak and 4.5p per minute off peak
100,000 + peak minutes @ 4.5p per minute peak and 6.0p per minute off peak "

at http://www.twplc.co.uk/choosenumber.asp?numbertype=0871

I'm still waiting to hear if I got my 0871 number registered.

(still sticking to the rock).
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« Last Edit: Jul 19th, 2005 at 10:35am by Kamenote-jin »  

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Re: 0870 Strike back ??
Reply #7 - Jul 19th, 2005 at 5:06pm
I signed up with twplc.

They won't pay up, unless the calls received are worth more than £5.  If you don't make this, then it's not rolled over.

Also, if you wish to change the landline number to which the 0871 calls are routed to (ie you move house, move from BT to cable etc), they charge I think £13.50 for this privilege!!
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« Last Edit: Jul 19th, 2005 at 5:07pm by Shiggaddi »  

I realy hait itt wen peeple canot spel proply. Itt getts onn mye nervs sew mutch annd streses mee owt. Knot onley iz itt vary bade speling butt allso bade gramer.
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Posts: 1
Re: 0870 Strike back ??
Reply #8 - Jul 23rd, 2005 at 3:25pm
i have just registered and managed to find out more about this site. a friend gave me the site address. NOW, just how can i go and get this 0870 number for myself. any suggestions welcome. i will be very happy to sign up with the provider and will start giving out hte 0870 number to all and anyone otherwise not playing ball.
so onece again, how do i get 0870 number, please let me know. thanks
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Re: 0870 Strike back ??
Reply #9 - Jul 27th, 2005 at 11:46am
Hi All,

I run a UK website that offers amongst other things FREE 0870 and 0871 numbers for anybody that wants them....

There are no minimum call minutes required and we pay 2p/min peak for 0870 numbers and up to 3p/min for 0871 numbers...

You do have to accrue £25 cashback to get a payout but we have 100's of ways to earn free cashback apart from just these numbers!

We are currently giving you a FREE £5.00 bonus just for registering...

We also offer free fax2email numbers...

I have not included a link to my website or even named the website in this post because I do not want to break any rules of this forum....

If I am allowed to post a link to my website can you please let me know... I will never put my url's on a board without pemission... I know what it is like to be spammed! Many Thanks... David.

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« Last Edit: Jul 27th, 2005 at 11:47am by usertopia »  
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Posts: 2
Re: 0870 Strike back ??
Reply #10 - Sep 1st, 2005 at 7:29am

I do like the idea of doing this ... and I shall do so.

Is there any way of knowing that they have used my 0870 number ..... if so, then I can ask them to press 1 for accounts,  2 for new customers, 3 for maintenance  ......  up to .....  99 for an operator
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