Quote:Well at least it's a start from getting away from the local loop monopoly and maybe other providers will come in and make it even more cheaper.
You are locked in for 1 year minimum with TalkTalk (otherwise there are penalties for leaving early) and TalkTalk overcharge for 0870 and 0845 compared to BT.
Also speaking as a TalkTalk CPS customer routing almost no calls with them (mainly use 18866) their billing can't be trusted and is highly erratic and flakey.
They can bill for calls that never connected and for calls that you never even ever made on that phoneline.
And their customer service staff are dreadful. They make even BT customer service staff look like they care!
No one can significantly improve on BT for Line Rental because the useless bas***ds at Ofcom allow BT to sell wholesale line rental at the same retail price more or less that they charge to their own customers. The same useless bas***ds at Ofcom allow other telcos selling line rental to lock you into making all your calls with them. This renders any potential savings on line rental massively offset by people like TalkTalk having ripoff prices for international mobiles and for 0845 and 0870.
Move to TalkTalk for cheap billing and line rental at your peril is all I can say.