When Justin Greenbank's wife Jacinth was in hospital, he visited her every day.
Jacinth, 26, seriously ill with cystic fibrosis, was transferred to intensive care where she died after three weeks.
Throughout this harrowing time, when he was not at his wife's bedside, Justin spoke to her on the phone.
"Though I kept the calls to just five minutes a day, at 29p a minute I was forced to keep conversations short," says the 26-year-old salesman.
"It sounds trivial, but the money was a huge, added strain." Over the 21 days his wife was in hospital, the cost of their phone bills was a staggering £200.
Retired civil servant Kevin Ryan, whose wife Hilda is a patient at James Cook Hospital, Middlesbrough, estimates that in three weeks he has spent £102.90 on telephone calls alone.
"We're pensioners and it's a lot of money for us," says Kevin, 64. "I spend as much time at the hospital as I can and call her every morning and evening.
"But it costs so much I'm always aware of the clock ticking, which isn't how it should be. Last time she was in hospital, my phone bill jumped up by about £40 a week.
Charlotte Brown, commercial director of Patientline claims the average patient spends a mere £10 on its services, and she believes the company offers a genuine choice.
She says: "You can't expect a private company to offer services for free. We're not a charity.
"We are trying to find ways of reducing charges to patients - although I don't believe they're outrageous.'