Quote:I need this information to prove to my doctors' surgery and to their Primary Care Trust that 0844 numbers are not universally accessible, even from within the UK.
Why not just concentrate on the angle of how many poorer customers now use Pay as You Go mobile phones and that the operators of these networks charging between 30p and 50p per minute for these calls compared to only 5p to 10p per minute for ordinary calls that start 01 or 02.
Also what about BT Payphones (used by the very poorest and oldest) which charge 30p for a 15 minute call to an 01 or 02 number but £2.05 for calling an 0844 NEG number.
And what about BT Option 3 customers who would pay 75p for NEG's 0844 number compared to nothing for an 01 or 02 number. And what about 0844 costing 5p a minute on a Saturday morning to call compared to just 1.5p per minute for an 0870 number.