4 - Which company supplies the non-geographic numbers?
BT provides these.
5 - Is TVL aware of the difficulties experienced by overseas callers attempting to dial non-geographic numbers and the increased costs faced by UK callers in contacting these numbers?
Our contractors, TV Licensing, are fully aware that customers, who may wish to contact them from an overseas address, may experience difficulties using nongeographic telephone numbers. They receive very few contacts from people living abroad and for this reason customers are asked to communicate either by e-mail, through the N Licensing website,
www.tvlicensing.co.uk or by post to Customer Services, TV Licensing, Bristol BS98 1TL, UK.
6 - The use of 0870 numbers for public enquiries contravenes the government's own advice regarding the operation of call centres (source: COI http//www.coi.gov.uk/ccaldownload.php 'cost to citizen' update). Why is the COI's advice is being ignored in that NL, as a public-facing department, continues to operate 0870 numbers? Has the COI advice been considered and if it has, please provide meeting minutes and any other supporting information that relates to this issue.
As previously stated in correspondence to you, the COI guidance you refer to is internal guidance for relevant HM Government departments and, to our knowledge, is not HM Government policy or practice. However we believe that N Licensing's use of these types of numbers clearly meets the guidelines from the COI.
TVL offers a variety of contact mechanisms and uses different cost models for differing market segments. All calls for our cash scheme customers are on 0845 numbers which are charged at what was known as a local rate, as are the help lines for Over 75's. Customers can also choose to contact us online, or visit a Post Office to pick up literature or buy a licence both of which are either free to use or the cost is controlled by the customer. In addition to these channels there is still the post; the cost of a second class stamp is equivalent to the cost of a telephone call. In offering this mix of contact channels we more than meet the COI recommendations of ensuring that 'citizens' are not prevented from obtaining their rights through by cost barrier.
You have the right to seek an internal review of my refusal to release the information referred to above. You can either email foi@bbc.co.uk or write to BBC Freedom of Information, PO BOX 48339, London, W12 7XH, UK. If you are not satisfied with internal review you then have the right to seek a further review from the Information Commissioner. Please see
www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk or contact the Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, telephone 01625 545 700 for details.
Policy Advisor BBC TV Licensing Management Team