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Be Careful - Ofcom Are Watching Us! (Read 23,477 times)
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Re: Be Careful - Ofcom Are Watching Us!
Reply #15 - Aug 20th, 2005 at 3:30pm
Consumers could have stopped the rot years ago if they had voted with their feet.

But they were being missold in the same way as all those people who were conned into giving up their company pension rights and wrongly persuaded to take out personal pension plans.

If they had realised these numbers were more expensive and that they could make geographic calls much more cheaply then non of this would have happened.
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Re: Be Careful - Ofcom Are Watching Us!
Reply #16 - Aug 20th, 2005 at 4:30pm
Grow up guys!

The point of this site IS to offer a consumer's point of view.

Ofcom is funded from our taxes and payments to telecom operators. We pay their wages.

0870 etc is a hidden tax...

Grow up LOL check this one out!.. Personally I think the point of this site is a phenomenal challenge that is very succesful in giving people the CORRECT and most FAIR information.. Id like to see ofcom take a note from this site.

0870 is not a hidden tax, its daylight robbery, and we aim to atleast slow our well earned cash lining their pockets and make them realise we want a better service, no matter what they provide.

ofcom.. well I might not know much about them, but if they are so wonderful and powerful as such, then they better start getting with the times.

Farci.. you grow up.
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More Evidence that Ofcom are Watching!
Reply #17 - Oct 31st, 2005 at 11:17pm
You will see from the below email received from Matt Peacock, Communications Director at Ofcom, today that Matt Peacock is either personally watching or has tasked staff members with watching what is being posted on this site.

You will see that he is fully aware of the discussion that I recently started regarding the new Ofcom consultation on the proposed new 101 national non-emergency number.  Perhaps members of staff in the Ofcom Communications Department even produce a journal each day of what is being discussed on these boards.

In many ways we should be flattered as at least it makes clear they take our views seriously as a threat to their own plans to spin public opinion in a direction that will best suit the business interests of the existing uk telecoms and broadcasting operators.

I suppose if we ourselves became as paranoid as Ofcom we might even begin to imagine that Ofcom had made arrangement to have our email and phone conversations tapped.  But there couldn't be any way for Ofcom to get such powers now could there................

You have been warned

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Peacock [mailto:Matt.Peacock@ofcom.org.uk]
Sent: 31 October 2005 12:02
Subject: RE: Interesting Websites re Ofcom & Stephen Carter
You and I have exchanged many emails on these themes before, so I've nothing to add to our previous correspondence.

You may remember that I mentioned the Home Office Non-Emergency Number project to you a few months ago. You are mistaken on our role here - as some people have pointed out on the www.saynoto0870.com bulletin boards. However, it is worth responding to our consultation, as those views will help inform the Home Office's decision.


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