To address some of the points in replies #13 and #14.
As always with technology, anything is possible at a cost. Non-geographic numbers more readily offer the facilities necessary to deal with large numbers of calls, including the ability to redirect to any point and hold a potentially unlimited number of waiting calls. 03 numbers now enable this to be done with the caller paying only the cost (if any) of a geographic call. 084, 087 and 09 numbers enable the recipient to impose a Service Charge to meet the cost of their telephone service and perhaps gain further financial benefit.
The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) will shortly be launching a consultation on its proposals for implementation of the provisions of the Consumer Rights Directive (including article 19). This will provide an opportunity for public debate and obviously responses in relation to the intentions in respect of article 19.
Ofcom is
currently consulting on proposals to tidy up the National Numbering Plan, prior to the major changes that will come with implementation of the "unbundled tariff". One necessary change, which is not proposed, is removal of the out of date and irrelevant references to BT local rate.