The number in the database (01344 860 456) for that address appears to be a head office/reception number.
Assuming sales is dealt with at the same address then if you have inclusive mins on your landline try numbers around 01344 860 456 as chances are they'll use numbers around that range.
A search comes up with only a few geographicals as follows:-
01344 860 456 (mentioned above)
01344 372 767 (fax)
01344 378 000
A search of their website
revealed that they use numbers for Direct Dial as 01344 37 xxxx. Therefore, I would have thought 'Sales' is on a number range around 01344 37 xxxx or nearby 01344 860 456.
Update: A little thing you could try and that is ring someone on 01344 37 xxxx and if they don't reply sales then ask them for the extension number of sales. If someone does provide it to you without thinking then simply dial 01344 37 + ext number.
I tried something similar searching for Bosch's geo and having tried a few times (most just transferred me to switch), one person actually gave me the extension without thinking.