a very nice man, the phone numbers for that London address are now NU.
A check of the NICEIC website reveals that it operates the following 0870 numbers:
- Sales: 0870 0130458
- Consumer helpline and enquiries for Part P and building regulations: 0870 0130382
- NICEIC Training: 0870 0130389
- Technical helpline: 0870 0130391
The number listed in the database 0800 0130900 used to be for Part P enquiries, but obviously was costing too much, so they replaced it with the 0870. The 0800 now has a recording giving out 0870 0130382.
Contact details are:
Warwick House
Houghton Hall Park
Houghton Regis, Dunstable
Bedfordshire LU5 5ZX
Tel: 01582 531000
Fax: 01582 531010
The telephone number is/was probably switchboard. However, it is now out of service (NU).
This page mentions there being more than 80 staff, so I assume that they've all got direct dialling in numbers, we're talking in the region of 100 numbers.
A Google of
niceic 01582 shows some numbers.
- 01582 539700 is listed as 'sales' on some websites, and answers as "Technical helpline", as does the sales 0870 number.
- 01582 539516 is someone's extension at NICEIC
- 01582 539000 is National Quality Assurance
- NICEIC fax given as: 01582 539 090
- This page gives fax as 01582 601110
I've tried some numbers around the above and found nothing.
01582 539700 is the best so far.