Im a big chatterbox I must admit.. Ive always been known by my friends to chat on the phone for stupid amounts of hours with my lass..
Did you know that there is no such thing as far as I can see as unlimited calling? What I mean is most companies now have a timeout slot, where they cut you off or start charging you..
I miss cable to cable calls, but apparently NTL dont do that anymore, and they treat cable to cable as any normal local call now, ie over an hour, and one gets charged.. Which really kinda bites.
Im a great fan of 1899 these days. Now they used to offer the old unlimited, I rememeber calls that lasted over night, alas though, their call time is 120 minutes, then they cut you off without charge..
Apart from VoIP, does anyone know of the likes of 1899 that do offer that "unlimited" or should they just rename it as "bloody long calls"