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OFCOM - FUTURE OF 0870 NUMBERS - CONSULTATION (Read 406,442 times)
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Reply #15 - Sep 29th, 2005 at 3:42pm
For most people the cost of 0870 and 0845 numbers is simply not a big issue. And the people who nerdishly dedicate themselves to cheap calls providers like 18866 etc are probably less than 100,000 in number.

But those who don't "nerdishly dedicate themselves to cheap calls providers" but do change provider do so because the glossy advertising material bamboozles them into thinking that "free calls" means free calls, taking little notice of the rates of these numbers.

The fact that there are relatively few who do chase cheap call providers shows how the masses are so complaicent that they think these wonderful loving telcos are doing them a favour!

IMHO it calls into question the effectiveness of competition to the ordinary man in the street. With the likes of the Post Office charging 10p/min to call 0870 numbers in the daytime, it makes us wonder what sort of people run these things. Marketing people and the like and not a technical bod in site!

Surely the people who have started 'Post Office Homephone' can't be the same sort of people who run local rural Post Offices who are struggling to keep running.
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« Last Edit: Oct 1st, 2005 at 7:18pm by Dave »  
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Reply #16 - Sep 29th, 2005 at 3:59pm
Ofcom's con doc, paragraph A14.5 states:

Because of the conflicting nature of the results of the research, it is difficult to
determine the actual percentage of SPs that might migrate. However based on
the views expressed, Ofcom considers that it is most likely that between 35% and
45% of SPs (likely to account for approximately 45-55% of traffic41) might migrate
if 0870 numbers were linked back to geographic rates. Ofcom has therefore used
these figures to estimate the costs and benefits of restoring the geographic link
on this range.

41 All assumed to be voice traffic as ISPs do not tend to operate on the 0870 number range.

So, Ofcom's own view is that possibly 55% of all 0870 traffic will shift to a different revenue-generating range (I'm guessing 0844 due to the problems associated with a PRS-regulated 0871).
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Reply #17 - Sep 29th, 2005 at 4:07pm
IMHO it calls into question the effectiveness of competition to the ordinary man in the street. With the likes of the Post Office charging 10p/min to call 0870 numbers in the daytime, it makes us wonder what sort of people run these things. Marketing people and the like and not a technical bod in site!

Surely the people who have started 'Post Office Homephone' can't be the same sort of people who run local rural Post Offices who are struggling to keep running.


As one who got A in his A level Economics back in 1981 when it was hard to get an A perhaps I can clarify that the free market only works perfectly where (a) there is a perfect flow of information to all consumers and (b) there are no cartels or structural imperfections in the marketplace that makes it difficult for competition to operate.

But the regulator Ofcom has allowed numerous structural imperfections and a lack of free information to persist as telcos are not forced to dislcose the rates of 084/7 calls as being different to customers and most go to very extensive lengths to hide these costs in their marketing literature.

If there was only one rate for uk fixed line calls and only one rate for mobile calls per phone provider and perhaps different rates peak and off peak the ordinary man could understand it all and make a sensible choice but as soon as you bring into the equation that 084/7 account for 20%+ of call values and that the telcos can deliberately hide this then the market is badly distorted.  The useless Ofcomites even allow the biggest marketeer of direct competition to BT for calls, TalkTalk, to claim that it is selling an "all calls to uk landlines" option with its Option 3 instead of only all calls to numbers starting 01 and 02.

The ordinary man is quite capabable of making sensible choices if price competition is simple and straightforward(as with say stawberry and banana prices) but cannot do so when a useless regulator allows a situation of deliberate misselling to occur.  The same thing happened with 118 directory enquiry services where providers don't just charge per number enquired for but by time as well and in addition most of these outfits scam huge amounts by offering to put DQ callers through without them even having to tell callers this will go on being charged at the DQ rate of say 30 to 50p per minute.

It isn't that normal people are stupid or lazy about prices as Andy claims but that normal people expect the world to be honest and decent and straightforward whereas the telecoms regulator has allowed a totally dishonest non level playing field with inadeauate information to grow up.  It is Ofcom that is the root cause of all the problems.  Unfortunately in the 2000s where morality and religion is dead I would regrettably expect commercial companies to abuse almost any loopholes that an ineffective regulator incompetently leaves wide open.  And since the regulator's staff get their fat salaries even when they screw up badly or miss deadlines by a mile then why should they even care.

As for the lady in the Post Office she is someone from the community who loves the community but the marketing boys at Head Office are barrow boys in sharp suits interested only in profit and their fat bonuses and not in community service.
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« Last Edit: Oct 1st, 2005 at 7:19pm by Dave »  
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Reply #18 - Sep 29th, 2005 at 4:13pm
Paragraph 1.24 in the "Way forward" document says that Ofcom received "over 100 responses to the October 2004 Consultation, including 74 from consumers and consumer groups."

What number "over 100" is, I'm not sure yet, maybe it says somewhere else. However, this suggests to me that there were quite a percentage of responses from consumers.

Paragraph 2.22 says (as previous post) that 74 responses were from consumers and consumer organisations and that 26 were from communication providers (CPs; telcos to you and me), service providers (SPs; companies/organisations operating on 0845/0870 type numbers) and other regulatory bodies. Where "over 100" comes from, I don't know, because my maths tells me 74 + 26 = 100

Edit: Section 3 starts of by listing the numbers of each sort of respondant:
  • 74 from consumers and consumer groups;
  • 2 from other regulatory bodies;
  • 14 from communications providers; and
  • 11 from ISPs, SPs and other business associations.

So 1 more has been 'found'.

So, Ofcom's own view is that possibly 55% of all 0870 traffic will shift to a different revenue-generating range....

What concerns me is that alot of Ofcom's idea of competition is that companies will simply move to another number range. That means changing number!

So they go out and get themselves a number that won't change if they move location and then they have to change it to stay ahead of the 'competition'! ???
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« Last Edit: Oct 1st, 2005 at 7:20pm by Dave »  
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Reply #19 - Sep 30th, 2005 at 1:59am
The issue is taking off, as you and other members here have hoped. I spent about 15 minutes explaining to friends whingeing about call centres the other day that they are deliberately managed to be marginally staffed and earn money for not answering the phone soon enough. These people did not realise that 0870 calls cost more than double ordinary landlines since BT cut prices las t year.

Be realistic - many people are still unaware of these issues - they need more information - I was encouraging more communication with more people, not some cliquish self-contained group of nerds (sorry to insult ourselves but that is how most people will see it).

So Dave wants maybe 200 responses; idb hints at 1000 discontents; I hope for 10s of 1000s of responses.
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« Last Edit: Oct 1st, 2005 at 7:17pm by Dave »  
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Reply #20 - Sep 30th, 2005 at 7:49am

As to taking effective action well it has come to me in a blinding flash of light that seems so simple but I doubt can be achieved in practice.

Basically Ofcom could be inundated with tens of thousands of responses to this consultation if we could encourage the management of TalkTalk, Tele2, Tiscali and Onetel (least likely in its current caretaker form awaiting sale) to write to their customers or email them telling them to respond to Ofcom's consultation complaining  that their all inclusive calling plans and/or cheap 1 hour evening/weekend call rates withe the companies are being heavily devalued by:-

(a) ongoing ripoff of 0870 being classed as premium rate not charged at same prices as geographic calls and no certainty that current Ofcom proposals will end this scam even on all 0870 numbers for all telecoms providers.  Most importantly that this makes the numbers excluded from their fixed price monthly calling plans.

(b) ongoing even bigger ripoff of 0845 numbers marketed as "Lo-Call" and cheaper than national rate geographic calls being now charged at a premium rate and so excluded from all inclusive 01/02 plans and charged at far more off peak for Level 1 customers/

(c) Further outrageous ripoff of 0844 numbers which most customers have been led to believe are "Local Rate" (not least by Mr Howard Stoate MP following the extensive 0870 adverse publicity for NEG and doctors surgeries) but are not and excluded from calling allowances.

(d) A general complaint that although these 084/7 numbers have now replaced normal 01/02 numbers for 90%+ of uk customer service calls that Ofcom has taken several years to make any proposals about the problem and now proposes to delay acting against any of these ripoffs (even 0871) for a further 18 months to 3 years depending on how you do your maths and consider when Ofcom's clock may start running.

One would hope TalkTalk, Tele2 etc would be all for this but I have a nasty feeling they won't want to publicise these calls currently being excluded from their normal calling plan prices?  Unfortunately Finarea is the only one with everything to gain from exposing the current ripoff but they don't have nearly as many customers and don't seem very aggressive about either their marketing or advertising.
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« Last Edit: Sep 30th, 2005 at 2:29pm by N/A »  
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Reply #21 - Sep 30th, 2005 at 8:51am
Here is an email from Matt Peacock, Ofcom's Communications Director, attempting to offer an explanation as to why they did not hit Matt's own quoted spring 2005 deadline for acting on 084/7 abuse stated on BBC R4 You & Yours program last November:-


From: Matt Peacock [mailto:Matt.Peacock@ofcom.org.uk]
Sent: 30 September 2005 07:19
Subject: Re: How did March 2005 New Framework Deadline Given on You &
Yours for 084/7 slip to Oct 2005 & Become Just Another Consultation?

The intention with our proposals last year was to put the new arrangements in place shortly after the consultation close date. Which is why we said what we did, when we did.

However, as you know, that consultation generated responses which fundamentally altered the team's views. So the team felt it needed to do further work, develop new proposals and then seek views on those, by now very different, potential solutions.

So in short, that was our intention then; people told us we were wrong; we listened, changed our approach, and now we're back out again with a new approach to seek views.

Please respond to the consultation.

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Reply #22 - Sep 30th, 2005 at 8:54am
And here is my own emailed reply back to Matt Peacock and Ofcom:-

-----Original Message-----
From: NGM
Sent: 30 September 2005 09:31
To: Matt Peacock

Subject: Ofcom's Explanation as to Why it Missed its Own Spring 2005 084/7 Action Deadline

Dear Matt,

Thank you for your email attempting to justify why your own promised deadline (given on BBC Radio 4's You & Yours program last November) for action by Ofcom on its last 084/7 consultation in Spring 2005 has not now been hit.

However it was always to be expected that respondents would not like Ofcom's Option 2 increased price granularity on 084/7 approach (that is even more price levels on 084/7 than now so no customer would then have a clue what they were paying for calling any 084 or 087 number) and that Ofcom's strange attempt to prejudge the outcome of its last consultation by saying that it much preferred its own Option 2 proposal would then be scuppered by the public's views.

And the sum total of responses you received from consumers to your last 084/7consultation pointed to them wanting something much closer to Ofcom's own Option 4 (abolish all revenue sharing on 084 and 087 numbers and turn them back into normal priced calls like 01/02 numbers), so why not get on and implement that solution in Spring 2005 or soon thereafter?

The answer seems to be that this did not suit the business interests of the telecoms industry partners who you appear to see as your customers for some reason, compared to the citizens and consumers given to you as being your customers in the remit that Parliament gave you.

And because you do not wish to upset those important powerful business customers and their senior staff and directors (many of whom just happen to be former working colleagues of current senior Ofcom staff) you have now decided to give them a further chance to water down and most importantly extensively delay what the public and the Ofcom Consumer Panel clearly wanted in their response to your last consultation.  And all the while these business 084/7 operators (especially on the Telco side) reap further massive profits from consumers who don't think that they should be paying any extra for these calls in the first place.

And whatever happens those hundreds of millions of pounds a year of unfair extra windfall call cost profits to the telcos (BT, Cable & Wireless etc) and call centres are never going to be refunded to the customers who have unjustly paid them.

Yours in severe disillusionment and disappointment.


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« Last Edit: Sep 30th, 2005 at 8:55am by N/A »  
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Reply #23 - Sep 30th, 2005 at 11:53am
Just done my visit to riverside house (ofcom london) and got my copy of the 300 ish pages (both consultations).

Needless to say they were not very pleased and looked quite pi**ed off at having to print the whole 300 pages for me. heh heh amazing what being an elected member can do for you!!

Now I also know where all the ofcom money goes, on the upkeep of the building, and the fancy waterbottles with ofcom marked on them.

Got my yellow highlighter ready!!!!!
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« Last Edit: Sep 30th, 2005 at 11:54am by mc661 »  
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Reply #24 - Sep 30th, 2005 at 3:18pm
When the bottom line is reached, it has to be the Labour Government who are allowing this 0870 abuse to happen.  They, alone, have the power that can properly deal with Ofcom.
But this Labour Government have actively encouraged the scam at all stages from the day they were elected.  We accepted their lies about not worrying about the new anti-terrorism legislation, then watch as the police invoke them against an 82 year old man at the Labour conference!!
We are sleepwalking into a political abyss - 0870 abuse is merely a small part of the overall plot which, hopefully, may awaken people (but I'm not holding my breath!).
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I hate Qs on Premium NGNs

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Reply #25 - Sep 30th, 2005 at 5:18pm
I entirely agree with the sentiment of your last post Firestop. The only point I would make is that these scams have been going on for some years now since their origin; it's just that they have been escalating as a fashionable element of the supposed "leaner, fitter" restructured amateur business model. Rather like outsourcing when sense comes back into things and the professionals replace the amateurs again the trend will decrease anyway, since it seriously upsets customers.

So the New "labour" government is only responsible for allowing it to continue and escalate, principally because they got their exchequer snouts deeply in the trough, as yet another form of stealth taxation.
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Ofcom are completely ineffectual
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Reply #26 - Sep 30th, 2005 at 6:29pm
When the bottom line is reached, it has to be the Labour Government who are allowing this 0870 abuse to happen.  They, alone, have the power that can properly deal with Ofcom.!

I'm with you on the above 101% Firestop.

The NGN revenue sharing 084/7 regime in fact started up in 1995 although then 0870 was known as 0990 and 0845 was 0345.  This was all allowed by OFTEL who seem to have somehow been conned into believing it was all just an exercise in large companies having a national and easily redirectable number.  Although revenue share was possibly hidden away there in the rules of what OFTEL originally allowed it was not at all relevant because in 1995 most of us with BT phone lines could not route calls with other phone companies at a cheaper price.

Thus the price of an 0990 call seemed just the same as a national call and 0345 seemed just the same as a local call.  The only difference was that one did not know the geographic location one was dialling.

But just after the Labour government was elected in May 1997 (I remember the timing very well because I only had my current home a few months then and my father also died a week after Labour was elected to office) things changed with 0990 being redefined to 0870 and 0345 to 0845 (I suspect that this may actually have been when current revenue share arrangements were secretly allowed and perhaps it wasn't possible on 0990 and 0345 at all).  At the same time for the first time it was now possible for a BT line customer to route calls on their line with a whole host of other companies using a simple 4 digit indirect access code, and at that time I signed up with a company called AXS Telecom (later Liberty Telecom before being swallowed up by Tiscali) who offered national calls for 2p per minute compared to BT's 7.91p.

From this point on (from way back in 1997 and not just from 1st July 2004 as some of you seem to think) 0870 and 0845 were an obvious problem as I rapidly learned that the 2p per minute I enjoyed with AXS Telecom was not possible for these numbers to which AXS did not route calls.  They only routed calls to numbers starting 01.

I looked into this further and found BT wouldn't even let me add an 0870 number to Friends & Family. I compalined to the Chairmans Office and was told no discount was possible due to advanced call statistics and intelligent routing which were allegedly very expensive and complicated to offer?! Roll Eyes

It was annoying but it wasn't a big deal because you see only about one in 10 customer service places I needed to call had one of these horrid numbers or didn't also show a geographic alternative as well.  Also back then in many cases a geographic phone number was still shown in last year's phone booke (pre Voip days).

So while NGN began at the end of the last Conservative government Firestop is right to say that it has only exploded under New Labour and under the totally negligent stewardship of OFTEL and then Ofcom.  And blow me if in 1997 hardly any government agency or department used an 0990 or 0345 but after two or three years of New Labour they were absolutely everywhere in the national and local government sectors.

So although I am sure that amongst the anti 0870 campaigners on this site there must be the odd New Labour supporter (in fact I know of one active Labour member of this forum for sure but he isn't a Blairite and he doesn't believe in accepting Spin) and a few more Lib Dem supporters it does seem to be the case that in order to allow this government to save a very small amount of money at a few agencies (probably worth no more than £10m a year or so) they have allowed us to be subject to further hundreds of millions of punds of scamming a year, most especially in the exploding Pay as You Go mobile market, where 087 and 084 calls usually cost a lot more than 7.51p and 3p a minute and are usually even excluded from bundled call minutes for contract mobile phones.

So yes the reason that Ofcom has delayed, procastinated, stonewalled and avoided taking any action for so long is because that is what its New Labour political masters want.  Its fairly obvious that if Tony Blair and Tessa Jowell were at all concerned about this major national scamming that OFTEL or Ofcom could have totally stamped it out at the stroke of a pen several years ago.

084/7 scamming is not an accident it is a massive unspoken conspiracy between many of the uk's largest telcos and government and the call centre industry all of whom are now very loathed to take their snouts out of the trough.
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« Last Edit: Oct 1st, 2005 at 7:23pm by Dave »  
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Reply #27 - Oct 1st, 2005 at 12:11am
hmm i wonder who that labour member could be :-P

After having read a few pages on the train home tonight and then falling asleep, it seems theres a lot of contradictoy stuff in it.
I havent got onto the 216 doc yet! im still only on the 50 :-P

Oh and of course its way too hard for the ISP's to change numbers, even though over 60% of the UK population is now on broadband.
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We'll All Be Dead in 100
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Reply #28 - Oct 1st, 2005 at 12:15am
Sorry Guys but have just got back from t'Pub and found myself listening to a VERY experienced  member of the 'establishment' (a friend really) who thought that as the Telegraph had today published that the 0870 scam was over ... then it was !

Please do watch out for the lower intellect of the media reporter !

Life  ? Don't talk to me about  life .....
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Reply #29 - Oct 1st, 2005 at 8:53am
Life  ? Don't talk to me about  life .....

Is your first name Homer or Marvin then? Wink Grin
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« Last Edit: Oct 1st, 2005 at 7:24pm by Dave »  
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