Quote:When the bottom line is reached, it has to be the Labour Government who are allowing this 0870 abuse to happen. They, alone, have the power that can properly deal with Ofcom.!
I'm with you on the above 101% Firestop.
The NGN revenue sharing 084/7 regime in fact started up in 1995 although then 0870 was known as 0990 and 0845 was 0345. This was all allowed by OFTEL who seem to have somehow been conned into believing it was all just an exercise in large companies having a national and easily redirectable number. Although revenue share was possibly hidden away there in the rules of what OFTEL originally allowed it was not at all relevant because in 1995 most of us with BT phone lines could not route calls with other phone companies at a cheaper price.
Thus the price of an 0990 call seemed just the same as a national call and 0345 seemed just the same as a local call. The only difference was that one did not know the geographic location one was dialling.
But just after the Labour government was elected in May 1997 (I remember the timing very well because I only had my current home a few months then and my father also died a week after Labour was elected to office) things changed with 0990 being redefined to 0870 and 0345 to 0845 (I suspect that this may actually have been when current revenue share arrangements were secretly allowed and perhaps it wasn't possible on 0990 and 0345 at all). At the same time for the first time it was now possible for a BT line customer to route calls on their line with a whole host of other companies using a simple 4 digit indirect access code, and at that time I signed up with a company called AXS Telecom (later Liberty Telecom before being swallowed up by Tiscali) who offered national calls for 2p per minute compared to BT's 7.91p.
From this point on (from way back in 1997 and not just from 1st July 2004 as some of you seem to think) 0870 and 0845 were an obvious problem as I rapidly learned that the 2p per minute I enjoyed with AXS Telecom was not possible for these numbers to which AXS did not route calls. They only routed calls to numbers starting 01.
I looked into this further and found BT wouldn't even let me add an 0870 number to Friends & Family. I compalined to the Chairmans Office and was told no discount was possible due to advanced call statistics and intelligent routing which were allegedly very expensive and complicated to offer?!

It was annoying but it wasn't a big deal because you see only about one in 10 customer service places I needed to call had one of these horrid numbers or didn't also show a geographic alternative as well. Also back then in many cases a geographic phone number was still shown in last year's phone booke (pre Voip days).
So while NGN began at the end of the last Conservative government Firestop is right to say that it has only exploded under New Labour and under the totally negligent stewardship of OFTEL and then Ofcom. And blow me if in 1997 hardly any government agency or department used an 0990 or 0345 but after two or three years of New Labour they were absolutely everywhere in the national and local government sectors.
So although I am sure that amongst the anti 0870 campaigners on this site there must be the odd New Labour supporter (in fact I know of one active Labour member of this forum for sure but he isn't a Blairite and he doesn't believe in accepting Spin) and a few more Lib Dem supporters it does seem to be the case that in order to allow this government to save a very small amount of money at a few agencies (probably worth no more than £10m a year or so) they have allowed us to be subject to further hundreds of millions of punds of scamming a year, most especially in the exploding Pay as You Go mobile market, where 087 and 084 calls usually cost a lot more than 7.51p and 3p a minute and are usually even excluded from bundled call minutes for contract mobile phones.
So yes the reason that Ofcom has delayed, procastinated, stonewalled and avoided taking any action for so long is because that is what its New Labour political masters want. Its fairly obvious that if Tony Blair and Tessa Jowell were at all concerned about this major national scamming that OFTEL or Ofcom could have totally stamped it out at the stroke of a pen several years ago.
084/7 scamming is not an accident it is a massive unspoken conspiracy between many of the uk's largest telcos and government and the call centre industry all of whom are now very loathed to take their snouts out of the trough.