apologies for going back a bit to the man from C&W
Quote:As Marketing Manager at Cable & Wireless in the mid 90's, I was the first to introduce such a revenue share scheme as part of the "TeleBusiness Addvantage" pricing package for non-geographic numbers.
It was my view at the time, and still is, that in industries where the customer and competition is increasingly driving down costs of products and services, that some of that 0870 revenue should be returned to the company who was ultimately generating it (the corporate user).
What has never been explained, and perhaps never will be properly, is that BT rates stayed at 8p/min for national calls for years, whilst other providers like C&W and Energis opened up the use of 0870 numbers which they were able to route for around 3p/minute but charge more.
Someone better at history than me may be able to say when other providers came into the corporate market, and how much later into retail. This is the true moment when 0870 mispricing was born, even though it stayed latent for years longer, until national rate was dropped to 3p/min.
That is the trouble with the whole argument - like asking for directions in another country, and the reply "If I was you I wouldn't start from here". The market was deregulated only in irregular steps; the re-numbering was cocked up; other countries have a range of non-geographic numbers that at least give some indication of tariffs, like France and Austria.
There is a place for some non-geographic numbers, like call-through to international, or internet access, as long as the tariffs are clearer. I don't think that they need to move all numbers to 09... ; a transition to a wider range of 08 numbers as mentioned above would be fine.
Incidentally, about Energis, possibly the first 08706 provider - I read on their website recently a press release that they and Siemens had jointly won a contract with the BBC for telephone distribution. I intended to post it around here somewhere, but their site is now defunct after the C&W takeover. I don't know if this supersedes the Capita deal that others have mentioned or complements it ...