Quote:Hi Joe65,
Thanks very much for making a substantial start on creating a thread with links. As you say, in one sense, it is merely a duplication of the ofcom website.
I was thinking, however, that I could then print out the list on this site and then compare with ofcom site. That way, because both lists are in the same (very-strange-first-name) order, I can easily spot the new additions. These could then easily be added to the thread. To be effective, this thread would have to contain all the responses on the ofcom site but perhaps this could be achieved by a twice weekly update?
I also think that having the list on the forum does somehow bring it closer (psychologically) and therefore more accessible to users of this site. I think it'd be best if this list was right at the start of a new thread (which itself could be locked so it remains on the top part of the chat forum) and could include a brief introduction something like, "if you're interested in responding to the ofcom consultation but are unsure where to begin, take a look at the responses so far...".
Such a new thread could further generate discussion on the issues raises so far too.
I think it would be helpful if there was a link to this thread from the countdown clock on the homepage. And, as I've raised elsewhere, I think this countdown clock could be duplicated on the search screen so it gets noticed by more people.
What do other's think about these points?