While perusing the TescoTalk website
http://www.tescotalk.com/content.do?pageId=what_does_it_cost I noticed their mobile charges overseas were unbelievable. Not only are the European rates way above normal but they have a separate US mobile rate of
The correspondence went like this
Quote:Please confirm your rates to USA as I phone there frequently.
You list USA landline as 4p/min and USA mobile as 24p/min. This must be a mistake since USA mobile users also pay for incoming calls which means that as far as the UK caller is concerned there should be no
difference in the rate charged.
Please clarify
Thank you for your e-mail
With reference to your recent e-mail we can confirm that the call charges quoted
for calling landlines and mobile telephone in the USA are correct.
The words 'Gordon & 'Bennett' come to mind