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How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2 (Read 309,092 times)
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Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #105 - May 6th, 2011 at 11:37am
Andrew_S_Hatton wrote on May 6th, 2011 at 9:52am:
My experience of using site today - not a complaint.

I found information I needed via a message about an unverified number and in an effort to help, wanted to confirm the information in the message.

I followed instructions, was directed to 'contact us' link and duly completed web based form to only then see the advice about posting info into Forum.

Time was short I was not then going to redo my message however if initially I had been directed to login page on forum as an alternative to the web based contact form, I would have used the forum instead.

Maybe I miss read something, that is very possible, I am not going to join in a debate about this and do not need a response, but if my report is of use - good - if not - sorry - please disregard it.

I wish to acknowledge the point you've raised, although there is nothing I can do about it.

I have pointed out shortcomings like this to site admin many many times. As I am not involved in the operational side of the site, I cannot do anything to change this.

I always encourage users to join the forum and post about updates, additions and removals to/from the database that are found to be necessary. Entries submitted using the Add form will be likely to stay unverified.

Whilst in no way the only shortcoming, the fact that entries are submitted anonymously, means that all must be verified as we have no idea who added them. Updates that are submitted as new (unverified) entries will be at the bottom of the listings, so users will still see the old/wrong number first, and I guess they will try it.

If you don't wish to post publically, you can always e-mail me, dave {at} saynoto0870 {dot} com, although posting in the forum puts your comments on public record which might be useful at a later date should that number stop working for whatever reason.
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A different way to search for a number
Reply #106 - May 6th, 2011 at 1:02pm
I use the site all the time but have become tired of having to use the Edit, Find function of my browser to locate the local branch of a large chain I am looking for.

So I tried a new tack this morning and, instead of entering the name of the firm (it was Halifax actually) in the Please enter a Company Name to search for box, I entered the town (in this case, it was Colchester).

That showed me a list (in alphabetical order by firms' names) of details of all database entries which include the word Colchester - and enabled me to quickly scroll down to check the H's in the Verified and then the H's in the Unverified listings.

As it happens, the Unverified lisiting showed the correct geograpical number and, after use, I used the Contact Us form to send verification.
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« Last Edit: May 6th, 2011 at 1:38pm by Heinz »  

After years of ignoring govt. guidelines & RIPPING OFF Council Tax payers using 0845 numbers, Essex County Council changed to 0345 numbers on 2 November 2015
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Re: A different way to search for a number
Reply #107 - May 6th, 2011 at 2:38pm
Heinz wrote on May 6th, 2011 at 1:02pm:
I use the site all the time but have become tired of having to use the Edit, Find function of my browser to locate the local branch of a large chain I am looking for.

I use Firefox and to search, you just start typing whilst on a page and it will jump to that text on the page (if it is found). I usually type the STD code of the number I'm looking for.

Firefox doesn't require the user to select Edit > Find, or press any other key.

I'm not familiar with other browsers; whether they have such a feature. It might be called "Find as you Type" or something similar. Some browsers have add-ons and perhaps an add-on is available for this if it isn't supported by the browser's basic function.

If there isn't a Find as you Type tool, then you will probably find that there is a shortcut to get to the Find box, such as Ctrl+F or F3.

Heinz wrote on May 6th, 2011 at 1:02pm:
So I tried a new tack this morning and, instead of entering the name of the firm (it was Halifax actually) in the Please enter a Company Name to search for box, I entered the town (in this case, it was Colchester).

This will work where the name of the place has been added as part of the entry. Particularly with unverified entries (rather than verified ones), there are some where numbers have been added without telling us where the branch is for.
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Re: A different way to search for a number
Reply #108 - May 6th, 2011 at 5:25pm
Dave wrote on May 6th, 2011 at 2:38pm:
Heinz wrote on May 6th, 2011 at 1:02pm:
I use the site all the time but have become tired of having to use the Edit, Find function of my browser to locate the local branch of a large chain I am looking for.

I use Firefox and to search, you just start typing whilst on a page and it will jump to that text on the page (if it is found). I usually type the STD code of the number I'm looking for.

Firefox doesn't require the user to select Edit > Find, or press any other key.

I'm not familiar with other browsers; whether they have such a feature.....
I also use similar way of searching for specific things.

Also, IE8 & IE9 (not sure about earlier version like IE7) have a similar feature where you can do Edit > Find on this page (Ctrl-F) and it will highlight in yellow anything that matches the search criteria you entered and you can also click Next or Previous as needed to jump to those it's found.
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Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #109 - Jun 2nd, 2011 at 12:17pm
I can't find if this has been requested or suggested before in the forums, bit I think it would be very useful to add Saynoto0870 to a right click menu when you select or highlight a number on a web page.  In the same way that when you hightlight or select some text now, one of the menu options is "Search Google for...".  Why not a "Search Saynoto0870..." menu item?

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Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #110 - Sep 13th, 2011 at 9:51am
Off-Topic replies have been moved to this Topic.
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Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #111 - Apr 2nd, 2020 at 11:23am
Is SaynoTo0870 still current and up to date?
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Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #112 - Apr 9th, 2020 at 5:41pm

Yes, I can confirm that the SAYNOTO0870.COM continues to be updated on a constant (daily) basis.

All the best,

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Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #113 - Mar 6th, 2021 at 6:07pm
Forum Admin wrote on Apr 9th, 2020 at 5:41pm:
Yes, I can confirm that the SAYNOTO0870.COM continues to be updated on a constant (daily) basis.


Its good to know that after all these years you are in fact still the owner of and still maintain this website in respect of the hardcore group of companies and organisations that continue to illegally use 084, 087 or 070 or 09 numbers to contact them (or at least it is illegal if any of those numbers support a customer service function).

But if indeed the site is still operational can you please explain to me why recent attempts to add new alternative numbers to the site have been unsuccessful and although they are confirmed as being added they do not then ever appear when you do a number search for either the organisation name added or for the non geographic number one is providing an alternative for.

For instance I tried adding an alternative for Adam J Walker Associate's only listed contact number of 0845 226 9053 at www.adamjwalker.co.uk/contact-us/ of 01923 334881 (as listed at https://heronsgate.cylex-uk.co.uk/company/adam-j-walker---associates-26980022.ht
ml) and entered the correct code before adding it and did this twice but each time the number was not there when searched. And this is not the first time I have had this problem adding a new number to the site and every time I have tried to do so in the last couple of years the number is then not available to use.

So can you please explain what exactly is going wrong and why the primary purpose of this website in providing alternative geographic numbers for 084/7 number is seemingly no longer working successfully? Shocked Cry
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« Last Edit: Mar 6th, 2021 at 7:26pm by NGMsGhost »  

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Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #114 - Mar 9th, 2021 at 12:19am

Thanks for your message.  It is nice to see you here too - It has been many years as you say, time certainly seems to be flying by.

Lately there has been a large number of spam entries being added to the website - With lots of foreign text (mainly Russian) amongst other things.  I've been bulk deleting this and can only assume that your entries have been deleted in between the others.

I can't see any other reason why this should be happening as once added it should be instantly available in the 'Unverified' list.

If you don't mind trying to add it again I will watch out for it and double check that this was the reason.

All the best,

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Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #115 - Mar 9th, 2021 at 9:49am
Forum Admin wrote on Mar 9th, 2021 at 12:19am:
Lately there has been a large number of spam entries being added to the website - With lots of foreign text (mainly Russian) amongst other things.  I've been bulk deleting this and can only assume that your entries have been deleted in between the others.

I can't see any other reason why this should be happening as once added it should be instantly available in the 'Unverified' list.

If you don't mind trying to add it again I will watch out for it and double check that this was the reason.

All the best,


The reason your system seemed to be automatically rejecting the listing and not publishing it in a Search result after addition seems to be because the firm name I used was the one shown on their website at www.adamjwalker.co.uk/contact-us/ of Adam J Walker & Associates. The geographic alternative is shown at https://www.yell.com/biz/adam-j-walker-and-associates-rickmansworth-6645767/

I have now added it again as Adam Walker Associates and the number now does come up on a search result straight away.

So it seems the www.saynto0870.com number search system has a problem handling ampersands (& signs) or that the number addition system has an automatic block on any business name containing an ampersand (& sign)

As the 0845 number for Adam J Walker & Associates and its geographic alternative always currently seem to be engaged I have added a second number alternative for Adam Walker Associates of the geographic number for probate brokers www.finalduties.co.uk as their only company director as currently listed at https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/06625147/offi
cers is Adam J Walker of precisely the same address at Heronsgate in Rickmansworth used by Adam J Walker & Associates.

However if you want to merge these two entries in to one and show both the 01923 number and the 01276 number as being geographic alternatives for the 0845 number than that's perfectly ok with me.

EDIT:- Actually it now turns out the best alternative geographic number for Adam J Walker is one that I see they have now added on their own website at www.adamjwalker.co.uk/contact-us/ as being one for "International Callers" of 01923 904 784 which clearly shows a woeful misunderstanding of the costs of calling 0845 from a UK mobile number in particular (and I very much doubt that EE owned by O2 include 0845 numbers in any of their free minutes on their call packages).

Anyway that number (01923 904784) was being answered just now when I called it and also asked if Mr Walker could call me back to explain about his involvement with probate brokers www.finalduties.co.uk where he is the only person listed in several of their 10 year old newspaper articles on their website and is the only Director of the company but he mysteriously doesn't seem to work there on a day to day basis but instead works for Adam J Walker & Associates.

Just that I have something of an interest in Final Duties having also had a probate quote for them on my late mother's estate that I decided not to go ahead with as it seemed to omit various crucial aspects of work on the estate compared to the over two times more expensive quote received from Co-op Financial Services (who I and my sister also didn't use in the end).
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« Last Edit: Mar 9th, 2021 at 10:40am by NGMsGhost »  

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Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #116 - Mar 10th, 2021 at 4:54pm

This is getting quite ridiculous as today both the listings I added for Adam Walker Associates have disappeared from the listings and cannot be found either through a name search for Adam Walker or by searching on the 0845 number of 0845 226 9053.

So it seems you must run some kind of automatic robot app on the database that is quite wrongly removing legitimate database number additions as being rogue, spam or duplicate database entries.

Please can this problem be fixed and please can the geographic alternative number for Adam J Walker & Associates be restored to the listings..................
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« Last Edit: Mar 11th, 2021 at 5:01pm by NGMsGhost »  

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Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #117 - Mar 11th, 2021 at 12:22pm
On checking again today it seems the two listing are there for Adam Walker Associates in the Unverified numbers section in Blue, rather than the Verified numbers section in White.

But in this situation of there only being search results in the Unverified Section you are returned a search results screen with no numbers showing on the section you are looking at and just a big blank page with "No numbers have been found in the main database that match the criteria you have just entered."

Only if you bother to manually scroll down the apparently null search results screen do you then find the unverified listings off the bottom of the screen.

But the question is with all the old stalwarts like Dave and bbb_uk (Kevin) seemingly no longer involved in the site how exactly does an Unverified number ever move to the Verified section. Also the search result listing where there are only Unverified number results is confusing as it makes it look like no search results have been found at all......... Sad Cry

EDIT:- Definitely something weird going on with number addition as just added an entry for Final Duties who share the same company director as Adam Walker Associates and that entry now isn't appearing at all as a search result, even in the unverified section of the search results.

SECOND EDIT:-Added the Final Duties entry again and now seems to be there and returned in a search result as an unverified entry.
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« Last Edit: Mar 12th, 2021 at 9:18am by NGMsGhost »  

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Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #118 - Mar 12th, 2021 at 12:26pm

Just been looking into this.  The two entries you added on 9th March for Adam Walker Associates are showing and would be showing on the Unverified list (as you mentioned).

I've gone and amended these to show the advertised 01923 number that you mentioned worked best and gone ahead and verified it - so it should be showing in the main list too.

I've also done the same for Final Duties - so this should be showing too.

The unverified entries do get checked but due to the numbers involved (and spam entries too) it can take weeks or months at times for entries to get checked and approved.

I'm not sure why the initial attempt at adding the numbers resulted in it not being shown in the unverified section as it should have done.  There is some automated filtering that takes place but this is primarily on IP address (from spammers) and as you added again it won't have been accidentally caught out by that.

Can you recall whether you received the confirmation message thanking you for adding the number the time the number didn't show at all ?

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Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #119 - Apr 21st, 2021 at 1:42pm

For some years now I have never received any forum update or other emails from saynoto0870.com and although I have tried whitelisting the domain in my ISP settings even that does not work in saynot0870.com's case (it seems to work with almost everyone else who's emails get misclassified as spam).

I'm not sure exactly why that is the case.

I also received a sudden promise from Julie Drake at Adam J Walker in mid March that they would now be replacing the 0845 number with a geographic one but that it may take some time (for reasons not made clear).

But over a month later they are still showing only the 0845 number under Contact Us on their website..........
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