NGMsGhost wrote on Apr 21
st, 2021 at 1:42pm:
For some years now I have never received any forum update or other emails from and although I have tried whitelisting the domain in my ISP settings even that does not work in's case (it seems to work with almost everyone else who's emails get misclassified as spam).
I'm not sure exactly why that is the case.
I also received a sudden promise from Julie Drake at Adam J Walker in mid March that they would now be replacing the 0845 number with a geographic one but that it may take some time (for reasons not made clear).
But over a month later they are still showing only the 0845 number under Contact Us on their website..........
I've been having the same issue recently with notifications from the website and struggling to get to the root cause of the problem. When I get some more time I will investigate this further and see if I can find out why this is happening.
Keep us updated with regards to the companies website - From experience some companies can be very slow to act.