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How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2 (Read 309,086 times)

Posts: 3
Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #15 - Aug 23rd, 2006 at 2:58pm
A WAP version of the site would be great for 0870zapping on the go!
The site as it is is too complex for most phones.

evilbunny wrote on Oct 8th, 2006 at 1:57pm:
I might be able to help there, I've been building up a database of Australian 13 numbers (and their geographical equivilent), and one of the requests was for a search which is now in place for Australian numbers.

I've also completed a mostly complete import of the numbers on this website in a table and it's trivial to make mobile xhtml pages and link to this table, although the reason I've done all this work was to transparently make calls with fixed phone systems since 13 numbers are more expensive in terms of VoIP calls then geographical numbers.

I don't have GPRS access where I am atm (long story, but lack of phone access isn't always a bad thing at times Smiley so I wasn't able to test it in a phone, but it seems to work in a browser...

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« Last Edit: Dec 25th, 2006 at 8:37pm by DaveM »  
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Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #16 - Sep 12th, 2006 at 6:26pm
How about a place for free call back services e.g. http://www.clicktocall.co.uk/main.htm

To use them you just fill in the form at Portman Building Society and they will call you back whenever you choose.

- Edited by DaveM - PBS link fixed -

Any Free Callback links that are not already included for a company, please feel free to add them as you would a normal number, putting the numbers we already have in the database (or new ones), adding the
link in the Other Info. If you add that the numbers are already in the database but you're adding the Callback link, one of us will transfer it to the verified entry once we verify the link as OK.

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« Last Edit: Dec 11th, 2006 at 4:34pm by DaveM »  
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Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #17 - Sep 12th, 2006 at 10:07pm
It would be nice to have some feedback from admin on the feedback in this thread  Wink

We are looking at this now as it seems to have been ignored till now owing to more pressing work. We hope to have it resolved soon by adding comments (such as this) to explain or update the post.

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« Last Edit: Dec 11th, 2006 at 3:49pm by DaveM »  
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Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #18 - Oct 23rd, 2006 at 9:45am
It might be an idea to add a function where you can comment on a listing on the site.  I had occasion to call First Great Western trains this morning.  So I took the 0845 number from their site and came here and used it to look up a geographical number.  When I rang the geographical number, however, I spoke to a person who said that to get my query resolved I would need to ring the 0845 number!  It would be useful to have somewhere to note this information for future site users.

We are looking at ways to report number problems at the moment & hope to have it set up soon

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« Last Edit: Dec 10th, 2006 at 10:51pm by DaveM »  
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Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #19 - Dec 9th, 2006 at 1:44pm
PLEASE, may we have back on the search facility the alphabet choice? I found that helpful. THANKS, LINDA

Sorry Linda

We've removed these infrequently used search options to increase security & improve the functionality.
See the explanation by bbb_uk below


bbb_uk wrote on Dec 10th, 2006 at 7:59pm:
Hi Linda

This was removed for a few reasons:-

Only about 5% of searches were by the alphabet list.

It wasn't always bringing up the entry you want.  For example, searching for "Inland Revenue" would not have brought up an entry via the alphabet because as it's under the (newer) proper name of HM Revenue & Customs but it has "Inland Revenue" in brackets so doing a company search for "HM", "Customs", "Revenue" or "Inland Revenue" would bring up all entries for "HM Revenue & Customs (Inland Revenue)"

To be honest, we generally recommend searching by company name as that generally brings up the company concerned and any company that may be related to it or even nearby matches.

auntieboo wrote on Nov 4th, 2007 at 11:02am:
When I first visited this site, the alphabet was displayed at the top of the page. Hence, I could look at all the "A" companies, make a note of the ones I used and put them in my phone book.
I can't find the alphabet "guide"....where is it?
auntie boo

It was removed a long time since. You can search by company name or number.

You only need put in a few letters and it will list results in alphabetical order.

For example, if you wanted Vodafone you could enter the word as a whole or any few letters like voda. Then scroll down to the entries you want.


sleepyangel wrote on Jul 9th, 2008 at 6:35pm:
Smiley Would I be jumping in at the deep end if I asked why the site changed from the 'letter search' it USED to have? I found that way far easier to use than the present way, Im afraid. And it meant that when I came in, I could look for ALL the 'G' names I needed perhaps, while I was in getting one! Just a thought  Grin

Please read through previous entries for additional comments on this.

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« Last Edit: Jul 9th, 2008 at 7:42pm by DaveM »  
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Alternative lists
Reply #20 - Jan 1st, 2007 at 2:11pm
Why have you changed the the format for seeking alternative numbers. I was quite shocked to find that I only had the option of putting in the Company name or the NG number. I found it much better when you had the lists as well as I usually find it convenient to use your site as a phone directory and one doesn't always have the exact name of the company. For instance when I put in T mobile You came up with a Tyre company; I then went to look for the alphabetical list of companies and it just wasn''t there. I hope this is just a temporary phenomenon.

Please see the replies to the query above and Dave's comments below.


Dave wrote on Jan 1st, 2007 at 2:51pm:
Which method did you prefer?

The search methods that have been removed are the category search and search by first letter?

I see what you mean; entering the words "T Mobile" comes up with hits for Event Mobile Tyres. It's the way that the search engine works.
Numbers for the mobile operator are entered as
; NOTE the dash.

The search engine finds any entries that have that combination of letters (or string) in the company name or Other Info field. So searching "T Mobile" picks up Event Mobile Tyres because those letters (including space) appear in the company's name:

Event Mobile Tyres

So entering as little as possible is the thing to do. For example, in this case you could enter "Mobile" because what you are searching for contains this term. It does, however, bring up loads of other results as well, although you can look down alphabetically.

reggie wrote on Jan 2nd, 2007 at 2:08pm:
I liked both the category and alphabetical method and hope they are not gone forever. If only one is to be restored then I'll go for alpabetical; some things don't fit neatly into categories and some companies are multifaceted these days.

Best wishes for 2007 and keep up the good work.

- Edited by DaveM - Title amended -
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« Last Edit: Jan 4th, 2007 at 4:12pm by DaveM »  
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Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #21 - Jan 3rd, 2007 at 2:04pm
Been aware of this site for a few months now, and it has proved very useful as I have completely free anytime land-line calls, but all 08 numbers are charged at varying extortionate rates.

I was however moved to register today, as I don't know if I'm missing something here or if it's been mentioned before, but it's annoying that I can't paste data into the search fields. This is particularly annoying on the number field, as when using the contact pages for companies or institutions, they invariably give their '08' number which makes sense to copy then paste in your search field. Instead, it's very tiresome to have to try to switch screens back and forth (which I noticed today I couldn't do, and needed to remember the number...a real pain).

Every time I've used this site I've attempted my preferred search method, and it's increasingly annoyed me every time I can't. Can it be solved? Or is it in place as some kind of copyright or anti-abuse measure?

Keep up the good work...and here's hoping you can make this facet of functionality even better.

[edit]There are ways & means of doing this and if you are an experienced Windows user, you will already know them. Suffice to say, the standard copy/paste dialog from the right mouse button is disabled on the site.

See the previous posts in this forum, [url=http://www.saynoto0870.com/cgi-bin/forum/YaBB.cgi?num=1114435959]Right Click Disabled[/url] and [url=http://www.saynoto0870.com/cgi-bin/forum/YaBB.cgi?num=1095384049]Cut and Paste[/url] which will explain the problem resolution more fully.


[edit][quote author=allegro link=1130665764/15#22 date=1167935812]Assuming you are using windows then CTRL-V works fine. I can't speak for Mac and Linux users.

[edit][quote author=studs link=1130665764/15#23 date=1167937172]Thanks for the work around; must say after trying many of the usual work around tricks with no success I assumed kb shortcuts wouldn't work either. Perhaps the reason the usual ways won't work is probably down to all the extra security rubbish they keep throwing at IE 7 to 'help us'...probably see the kb shortcut not work before too long. Time I weened myself off IE and used FireFox more I think...

Still think it's a right hassle disabling the right click for no good reason though.[/quote][/edit]
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« Last Edit: Jan 4th, 2007 at 8:05pm by DaveM »  
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Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #22 - Jan 5th, 2007 at 3:22pm

My first post, I just want to say first of all thank you for an excellent service.

Sorry for the long post, just read the bit in blue if it's too much to read.

I have searched, but not found a similar reply (apologies if I'm saying something which has already been said) anywhere relating to the verification (and possiibly) removal of non-geographic numbers.

Many sites incorporate a "rating" on articles/comments which allows people to rate whether they think somethink is good/bad.  I am thinking here specifically of the comments rating system found at spikedhumor.com, which allows visitors to give comments a thumbs up/thumbs down vote.  All comments display the number of good/bad votes they have received - and comments with a large number of thumbs down are automatically hidden (or buried) from visitors (they can choose to unhide the comment if they want to).

Essentially my idea is this:
I think it would be fantastic if the numbers database could incorporate a voting system for every entry - this would essentially mean the whole idea of verified and unverified can take a different angle - would it still need to be done by a handful of admins, when a vistor base (in their thousands) can vote if an entry is good/bad on their own?

I have lots of ideas about this.  I may as well continue here... don't bother reading further if you don't want to hear my ideas, the bit in blue above is the core point I wanted to make.

I think the idea of voting should be considered in depth.  As the database is open to all (i.e. no registration required - this is a big positive for the site), Everyone should be able to vote.  The main problem the database has is that once something is verified it is not a lifetime verification, but only for that day.  As such each vote should have a time stamp associated with it (invisible to the visitor), which essentially means that older votes automatically lose their weighting with time, and recent votes have a bigger impact on the rating of an entry.

Voting (new word for verifying entries) can be encouraged by registered users by logging the number of votes they have made over a period (month, quarter, year), and having a "hall of fame" - recognising the contributions of registered users, and adding a competitive element which again promotes more "voting".  Maybe a prize every year or month for those in the top 10 or top 3?  Registered users votes (with over 100 votes (for example)) should carry a greater weighting when they vote.

Also thought would need to go into how often someone can vote on something.  Maybe at most once per week/fortnight for the same entry.

Like I said there are lots that can be done, I've only listed a little of my thoughts, but I imagine a redesign of the database would need to take place - a lot of work - but worth it in the end I think.


mi5tery wrote on Jan 5th, 2007 at 3:22pm:
Essentially my idea is this:
I think it would be fantastic if the numbers database could incorporate a voting system for every entry - this would essentially mean the whole idea of verified and unverified can take a different angle - would it still need to be done by a handful of admins, when a vistor base (in their thousands) can vote if an entry is good/bad on their own?
This was already discussed a few times before and I mentioned it here.  Basically, it was hoped that a rating system could be incorporated and was tested by us but unfortunately it was found to be unreliable and contained bugs.  This 'rating' feature was then put on hold whilst we concentrated on merging the two databases as it was felt this was more important since before then you had to do two different searches.

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« Last Edit: Jan 6th, 2007 at 10:36am by bbb_uk »  
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Posts: 41
Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #23 - Jan 29th, 2007 at 5:49pm
wacs wrote on Sep 12th, 2006 at 10:07pm:
It would be nice to have some feedback from admin on the feedback in this thread  Wink

We are looking at this now as it seems to have been ignored till now owing to more pressing work. We hope to have it resolved soon by adding comments (such as this) to explain or update the post.


Thank you for the edited message responses - these are a really good idea!  Smiley
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« Last Edit: Jan 29th, 2007 at 5:50pm by wacs »  
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Posts: 5
Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #24 - May 18th, 2007 at 6:25pm
Is there any news on the facility to report problems.

Dave wrote on May 18th, 2007 at 6:45pm:
Not at the moment. I will contact Daniel and see what he's doing.

I have found a number listed on the site which does not appear to connect any more - gives 'unobtainable' tone.
How/where should I report this?

Dave wrote on May 18th, 2007 at 6:45pm:
In my opinion, the best way is to submit another entry to the database. Include (at least) the company name and 01/02 number. Put in the Other Info box a description of the problem and it will be picked up on.

The contact page only goes through to Daniel, and I understand he has a backlog. The other way is to post on the forum, although my preference is that you add an entry to the database.
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« Last Edit: Jun 23rd, 2007 at 9:06pm by DaveM »  
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Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #25 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 8:20pm
There is something wrong with the registrration process - have to use the 'forgot password' link to get one!

Forum Admin wrote on Jul 9th, 2007 at 8:58pm:
I am not aware of any problems with the registration process, and haven't had any other reports of this.

The initial password confirmation e-mail can normally take up to 10 minutes to arrive.  If the receiving e-mail address is experiencing technical difficulites, or their server is overloaded, it may take longer for this mail to arrive.

We would recommend that the recipient ensures that any e-mails sent from SAYNOTO0870.COM are added to any white lists, in case they are being blocked as junk mail in error.

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« Last Edit: Jul 9th, 2007 at 11:51pm by DaveM »  
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Forum categories
Reply #26 - Aug 18th, 2007 at 11:01am
Would it be possible to re-arrange the forums into smaller categories? At the moment, we've just got general and system announcements. I've reduced down system announcements because I've never seen a new post in there  Roll Eyes. Could we also create other categories like "Cheap Calls and Offers" (for example) and move "Cheap Call Providers" and "Bargains etc.." into there because I very infrequently look at those categories and it would be nice to compact them down  Cheesy.

Just an idea anyway Smiley.

We can definitely increase the number of forums without any problem, however we don't want to have too many with hardly any posts in.  If you have any ideas for extra forums please feel free to e-mail them through, or send me a PM.
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« Last Edit: Sep 29th, 2007 at 6:20pm by Forum Admin »  

I don't mind helping you with your request as long as you read the instructions!
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RSS feed
Reply #27 - Aug 24th, 2007 at 6:19pm

would it be possible to add an RSS feed to the forums? I for one find it an easy way to monitor new topics to spot interesting ones.



jgxenite wrote on Aug 25th, 2007 at 3:12pm:
I'd like that - be nice to find out what new topics have been posted on the forum.

Johnny Debt wrote on Aug 31st, 2007 at 8:43am:
Yes I was going to ask for that too.

A RSS add-in to this forum has been downloaded and currently being tested.  If no problems are encountered an RSS feed should hopefully be implemented shortly.
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« Last Edit: Sep 29th, 2007 at 6:12pm by Forum Admin »  
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Posts: 3
Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #28 - Sep 11th, 2007 at 7:11pm
By adding WAP and a webservices API? This would then allow either mobile phone web access or the development of software to run on them

A WAP interface is currently being worked on, but is taking longer than originally expected. After this has been completed, API will be looked at and how and if it can be implemented.
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« Last Edit: Sep 29th, 2007 at 6:11pm by Forum Admin »  
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Re: How Can We Improve SayNoTo0870 - Part2
Reply #29 - Sep 30th, 2007 at 8:12pm
What happened to the part where you could search Banks or Insurance or Department stores as separate categories, which then listed them all like Barclays, Natwest or First Direct, etc. ?

Dave wrote on Sep 30th, 2007 at 8:21pm:
It was removed ages ago. It's difficult to put entries into categories. The more categories we have, the more difficult it is to decide which one an entry should go in (and so visitors may search the wrong category) and the less categories, the more entries per category. Name searching is much better.
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« Last Edit: Sep 30th, 2007 at 11:43pm by DaveM »  
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