If you are referring to just the posts then this can be changed from the default Verdana 11 size to Arial 12 size.
If you look at my OP, you'll see I used Arial 12 as I think it's a more clear font and legible size (this post, however, was done in Verdana 11).
Looking on the homepage of the forum, I believe the each section (geo request, geo chat, etc) are clear except for the 'Last Post' column which appear smaller than the old forum (from what I can remember).
Apart from that, I believe everything else is either the same or better. I like the PM' pop-up box, storage box (making full use of that now), and more importingly email notification of a PM is working fine now whereas the old forum it appeared emails notifications of any PM's were not accurate. I remember once getting 6 PM's about different subjects from mostly different people but only ever received 1 email about 1 of the PM's.
Overall I do believe it's better though.