NGN calls on NTL have always been expensive especially those of a short duration.
If you are on NTL and want cheaper peak rate NGN calls because you havent got an alternative number,you can register for and use their freephone 0808 cable access number.
Instead of paying 5p/soon to be 6p connection with NTL. You pay 4p connection 18185.
Instead of paying 0845 peak 4.50p a min NTL .You pay 3p 18185.
0870 peak 7.99p a min NTL. You pay 4p 18185.
You might also benefit from cheaper mobile calls using 18185.
You can also reduce the cost of your peak an evening geographical calls,and offpeak 0845/0870 calls by getting an E&W inclusive call package for 99p a month,by subscribing to OneTel, they will send you a phone pal smart box to use on NTL.