derrick wrote on Jan 19
th, 2006 at 3:55pm:
Well believe it
, I refuse to call mobiles due to there high call costs and if some one offers one I tell them to give me a landline number or call me, the same applies to 084/087 numbers, although you have a possibility of finding a geo number for some of these
Sometimes people with a mobile are actually mobile and there is no alternate landline to call them on. Clearly your strategy is to wait until you can next track down that person on a landline. Sometimes in business that is not possible and has higher cost consequences.
However in view of the fact that not calling mobiles is going to cause your voipcheap calling credit to be wasted perhaps you ought to recondider your policy regarding calling mobile phones. Or what about 1899's voip service? Or is that charged on the same basis as voipcheap or doesn't it work?