A week before idb spotted the National Trust's 0870 number for membership enquiries - not so new, it's in the 2004 handbook! - I wrote to Fiona Reynolds, Director General (recorded delivery)
1 December 2005
Dear Ms Reynolds
0870 telephone number
I had reason to change my membership details yesterday. I phoned 01793 817400 and was asked to redial on 0870 458 4000. This premium call (revenue sharing to be precise) costs 8p per minute from a landline phone. I don’t use these numbers. Someone called me back to deal with my membership matter. But I am afraid this will not do. The great majority of your members are unaware of the high cost of these calls, and nowhere in your published information do you say how much they cost. To say, as you do on your web pages, that they are charged at the “National Rate” does not convey the high cost of these calls to your members.
Would you please therefore give me the geographic number to which the 0870 number translates. If you do this, I will post it on the
www.saynoto0870.com website for the benefit of those of your members who use this web site. If you do not supply me with the geographic number, which I can verify, then I will post this letter, and your reply, in the discussion forum on the same web site. I will also instruct my bank not to renew my subscription to the National Trust when it would be due in April 2006.
If you do disclose your geographic number, then I would ask you to publish it on your website, make it known to all your members in the next National Trust Newsletter and give an undertaking that it will appear in future editions of your Handbook. If you don’t do this, I will instruct my bank not to renew my subscription.
Yours sincerely
Iain MacCallum
Cc. Sir William Proby, Chairman.
Two months later, no reply.
When today I called the NT on 01793 817400 they did put me straight through to "membership enquiries". Still not good enough. My direct debit remains cancelled.